My heart skitters against my chest.

Hawk’s voice sounds nearer now. “I put a call in to the airlines and the marina. She hasn’t left the island yet and she won’t leave until I find her.”

“Are you looking for her or trapping her?”

“Does it matter?”

Linda sighs. “Are you hungry?”



“I’ll be back when I find her.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as he stalks closer to my hiding place, but thankfully, he doesn’t come in.

A moment later, the front door slams shut.

I collapse against the wall.

Just hearing Hawk’s voice sent my stomach into knots.

I wanted to reach out. Wanted to raise my hand and yell I’m here.

But I didn’t.

I can’t.

The one time he’s close enough for me to touch, I have to keep my distance.

How did it get to this?



The door of the café opens. Pavel enters.

The giant man almost hits his head against the ceiling. He ducks as if he’s used to the trouble and calmly takes a seat.

“Morgan Bacher.” I offer my hand.

He takes it. “NASA?”

“Very close.” I study him. “Ten years ago, you published a paper about a phenomena similar to the alignment.”

Pavel’s lips flatten. “It was massively disproved.”

“How did you discover it?”

“I met a boy.” He pauses. “A boy from another world.”

“A parallel dimension?”

“Infinite possibilities create infinite worlds. Everett was right. Partially at least. Parallel earths do exist. Although it’s not what we’ve come to expect.”

My logical side refuses to believe it. Every scientific principle rejects the thought. But the alignment was real and this is my best explanation.