“What if I told you that day wasn’t the first?” Pavel asks.

“We’ve never recorded—”

“We’ve never known what to look for.”

I shake my head. “When?”

“Twenty years ago.”

“Our machines would have detected—”

“No. The other alignments were smaller.”

“Do you know why?” I ask.

“Not in detail.” His hands tremble from excitement. “When worlds align, a connection opens up.” He slides the napkin dispenser between the ketchup and mustard. “A portal, if you will. It allows the person to travel between earths.”

“How do they travel?”

“The boy came through a doorway.”

“Like Narnia?” My head spins. “What about the earthquakes? How are they connected?”

“The earth is stretching to make room for the portal.”

“If other worlds exist…” I scrub my beard. “How would someone who got into that other dimension get out? And how do we access the other dimension? Can we create our own doorway?”

“It’s possible. Together, we can analyze the patterns and recreate the right environment.”

“Recreate…” My head whips up. “You want to trigger another earthquake?”


“It’s more than that.” I stare him down. “You want to force an alignment.”

Pavel’s eyes shine. “Yes.”



Three days. I’ve gone three freaking days without seeing Shanel.

No one knows where she is.

She could have snuck out on a cargo ship.

She could be hiding at a friend’s house.

Or she could be dead.

I swallow back a vision of Shanel, blue in the lips and frozen solid in some blasted wine cellar or sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Don’t think like that.

She’s got to be out there somewhere.

Linda matches my stride as I storm into the house.