Maids scurry into a straight line, bowing slightly as I enter.
It’s an old tradition.
One my father started. One his father did before him.
I hate it.
Flicking up a hand, I send them away.
They scatter.
One maid on the end catches my eye. She has cocoa brown skin and a fat behind. Something about the way she moves seems familiar…
My eyes linger on her back. Thick curly hair knots at the nape of her neck. A curvy body squeezes into the traditional uniform of a black dress over a white apron. Another antiquated demand that Linda keeps for my father’s sake.
But the way that girl wears it…
“The police called,” Linda says, snapping me out of the daze.
I grit my teeth. Stalk toward my bedroom.
My mind quickly dismisses the maid. I don’t go around messing with the help.
It’s not that I think they’re beneath me. I just don’t roll like that. Some lines aren’t meant to be crossed and the dynamics there are questionable and complicated at best.
I enter my room.
Linda follows me. “The police chief said you’re getting out of hand.”
“Remind him who pays his checks.”
“This isn’t a kingdom, Hawk. They don’t work for you. There are rules. There’s only so much your father’s influence and your money can cover.”
“I don’t care.”
“Yes, it’s very clear that you don’t care about anything except this woman.”
I sit on the edge of my bed and pull off my muddy boots, ignoring her.
“Hawk!” Linda shrieks.
“What do you want me to say?”
“Where does it stop?”
“When I find her.”
“And you’re willing to screw over everyone to do it?” She peers at me. “Even your own friend?”
“Are you talking about Miles?”
“You’ve known him for years.”
Holding my thigh with a hand, I glance away. “We’re not friends. Not anymore.”
Early this morning, I barged into Miles’s place. My guards held him down until I was satisfied that Shanel wasn’t being held captive at his residence.
“From what the police told me, it could have been worse. At least you didn’t punch him.” Linda leans against a wall and crosses her arms in front of her pudgy middle. “That would have been an even bigger disaster.”