Page 153 of Be My Compass

Keeping up appearances is a tiring by-product of our modern society. If we can’t ‘project’ perfection in our pictures and posts, if we don’t pretend that we have it all together, it feels like an attack on our worth. Like we’re not in the running. Like we don’t measure up to everyone else.

Kastle grew up in the spotlight and had to measure up to those high standards everyday. He carried the pressure of being the perfect son. He suffered the indecency of being exposed to the world for his parent’s greed.

His love and gratefulness to his mother was so intertwined with the strings she used to pull him that it was difficult to break free.

Unlike Kaelyn who experienced the more ‘obvious’ trauma of getting abducted, Kastle lived in a big house, had lots of food to eat and all the amenities a child could want.

He had everything except love. And so he clung to Kaelyn. He soaked her in like a withering flower so desperate for rain and, eventually, he fought to cut off his leash because of the strength she inspired in him.

Kastle’s search for freedom ended when he surrendered to love. Love for Kaelyn. And love for himself.

Kaelyn, in turn, finally got to experience the love she’d been longing for with the man who’d always held her heart.

I hope you enjoyed Be My Compass. For access to Kaelyn and Kastle’s exclusive bonus scene (and future sneak peeks, cover reveals and deals), sign up to my newsletter here.

Until the next whirlwind BWWM Romance.

~ Nia

Be My Reason


Sneak Peek! Be My Reason Chapter One


“Take one more step. I dare you.” My voice cracks like a whip in the still morning air.

No one moves.

Neither do I.

The wrecking ball stares me down like a monster with no eyes. A monster cradled in the arms of heavy yellow machinery.

If it’s a battle of strength, I don’t stand a chance. But when it comes to stubbornness…

A man shimmies around the open door of the crane and jumps to the ground. His heavy boots make a crunching sound as he lands, pummeling the sand and grass.

Sunshine bounces against his hard hat and the orange reflective vest. He charges toward me, bushy eyebrows drawn in irritation. “Lady, are you crazy?”

“Yes.” I lift my chin and spread my arms wider. “I am when the things I care about are threatened.”

“It’s just a stupid house!” He points a dark finger at the shabby two-story structure sitting on the land behind me.

My eyes narrow. “No. It’s not. This—“ I thrust my finger—“is a symbol of freedom and justice.” Strengthening my stance, I fold my arms over my chest. “And you can’t knock it down.”

Exasperation in his voice, the man hisses, “Lady, we’ve got a permit.”

“And I’ve already called the city council about that.”

He curses under his breath. “Crazy tree-hugger…”

“Tree…” I bark out a laugh. Seriously. Did he not hear a word I just said? “I’ll admit to the crazy part. Frankly, I already have. But I’m not hugging any trees, sir. I’m protecting history.” I slap my chest. “Our history.”

He tilts his head to the side, totally uninterested.

“Don’t you know about the Underground Railroad?” I press.