Page 152 of Be My Compass

I stare into the eyes that I know. That I love. “You spoil me.”

“I live to spoil you.” He kisses my forehead. “I love taking care of you, Kaelyn. You’re my best friend.”

“You’re mine.” I rest my head on his shoulder.

Kastle rocks me gently and I close my eyes, lost in a world where it’s only me and him.

Time stops. It’s heaven on earth. We spend the rest of the gala in each other’s arms, dancing the night away.



Dear Make It Marriage,

My name is Amelia Jameson. You might have seen my award-winning reality TV show. You might have caught my perfume commercials or heard of my collaborations with other celebrities. You might have read about me in Forbes and Good Housekeeping.

Yes. I know. It must be an honor to receive an email from me. Simply using my name in your commercials would make your business ten times more lucrative, but save your awe and accolades. I am not writing to you as Amelia Jameson, the media and fashion mogul. Today, I write to you as Amelia Jameson, the mother.

My son, Kastle, is of the marrying age and I would love if you would arrange a match for him the way you did for Brett McQueen.

As you may know, we adopted Kastle from China when he was very young. The boy barely spoke any English and he seemed frightened by everything in the world.

We had to coax him just to open his mouth and, even then, he was very sparing with his words. We hired therapists and psychologists… oh, the headache I get when I remember that time.

But my fortune changed when Kastle met a little black girl at school. Suddenly, he became a different person. He smiled more. He laughed more. He came alive. And the camera loved him.

Now, I do not want you to get the wrong idea. Kastle and that girl are just friends. However, I have heard that you turn back hopeful applicants who seem to have lingering… entanglements and I want to assure you that Kastle and Kaelyn would never engage in any romantic behavior.

Kastle dotes on her like family. He protects her like he is her bodyguard. He looks after her like she is his precious pet. He scolds her like she is his daughter.

A relationship like that would never last in a physical setting. They are too close. Too ingrained in each other. Too raw and vulnerable.

As you probably know, relationships are about deceit. It is only exposing the most poised and put-together side of you. A partner must never see your flaws or the places you hurt or they might exploit them. I have taught Kastle this, but he insists on staying right by Kaelyn’s side.

It is unendingly disappointing, but what can a mother do?

I hope that you pay no attention to their friendship. Kastle is very much on the market and I will prove it at the Charity Gala next Saturday.

I have sent invitations to all of your staff and associates. I would very much enjoy introducing you to my son then so we can begin the matchmaking process.

Au revoir.

Amelia Jameson


Keep reading to find out how you can get an exclusive bonus scene featuring Kaelyn and Kastle!

The Make It Marriage crew is a hoot! I’m having so much fun throwing them all together and seeing how they mix.

Kaelyn and Kastle were totally in love with each other, but too afraid to take that next step. I’m so glad they finally admitted their feelings and I hope you feel the same! If you liked this book please leave a review now.

Read on for an excerpt of Be My Reason, an enemies-to-lovers romance featuring Heath and Brenna! Coming soon!

Author’s Note

Kastle’s character was inspired by a real-life scandal. The moment I saw the headlines trailing through the internet, my heart ached and I knew. I had to write about this.