“Thank you. I have to keep up with you in this tuxedo. I’ll have to beat them off with a stick.”
I kiss the inside of her neck, her soft moan encourages me to kiss up until my lips hover over her diamond-studded ear. "Not with my rock on your finger."
"Especially with this boulder on my finger. You gave Tia Marie quite a shock with your announcement. How will you handle your friends?"
I chuckle, loosening my grip as she snuggles closer. “You have nothing to worry about, as for my friends, my friends will be told. Others will have to fill in the blanks.”
“Have you considered your explanation once I head back to Texas?”
“How about we enjoy the evening and let the future handle itself?”
She cuts me a glare, smoothing her hands up the lapels of my jacket. “This place is heaven on earth.”
"It's at your disposal." I release a long exhale, thankful for the shift transition. This is moving at the speed of lightning. First the idea, then the ring and proposal, and now she's here in my arms. "We need to get going before I send our regrets and take you home."
She steps back. "Oh no, you don't. Not after all this work. Take a picture for my guys."
Alexandria passes me her phone. Through the phone screen, I appreciate her beauty, the way her hand rests delicately on her waist, the seductive pucker of her lips, and the twinkle in her eyes. I snap several pictures for her and one for me. I removed her coat for my arm and drape it over her shoulders. "Bundle up, it's freezing out there."
"Where's the engagement party?" I help her button-up and wrap a thick scarf around her neck, careful not to disturb her hair.
“A few blocks up at the Four Seasons.”
She yawns, drawing my attention to her mouth. "I hope I make it. It's been a crazy long day, and after that massage, I can barely keep my eyes open."
"We'll stop by and make an appearance. Then get you into bed." I emphasize bed, and her eyes darken with lust. Her little rant about no sex echoes in the back of my mind. But the Alexandria I knew could stay in bed for days, only stopping to eat, sleep, and shower.
I bundle her up, and we make the short trip. People stop and stare the moment we enter the lobby of the hotel. It's all her doing, she commands the attention of all. The click of her heels, the sway of her hips, the dramatic sting of diamonds provides a striking display of royal beauty.
And she’s with me. I pause, pulling her back against me.
Her eyes round at the sudden movement, her flirty smile makes me wish I had her alone. “Mateo…”
I have to taste her, not giving a damn about her sticky lip gloss, or the people standing around. This kiss is tender and slow. She steps back after wiping her gloss off my lips.
“Thank you.” I know she feels the chemistry between us. But will she trust it?
"Don't thank me yet, handsome. I might have you on the dance floor all night." She looks over my shoulder towards the base bumping from up ahead.
We follow the music until we're standing in the reception hall. Jerrick spots us the moment we enter. He flags down Susan, and they walk in our direction.
I introduce Alexandria and Susan. Then Jerrick, in his true fashion, folds Alexandria in a brotherly hug. I give Susan our gift and kiss her cheek. “Congratulations.”
"Thank you. And this has you written all over it." Susan says, side-eyeing him. "Jerrick would have had us at the house eating barbecue."
I make the sign of zipping my lips.
“Does it matter?” Jerrick asks. “Your man came through, that’s all that matters. Right?”
“Right.” She rolls her eyes and mouths, Barbecue.
Alexandria laughs, and I help her remove her jacket.
"I'll introduce her around while you tell Jerrick how much he owes you for handling the party," Susan smirks, dragging Alexandria in the opposite direction.
“Did you tell her?” I ask the moment they disappear.
“No, I thought you did. Man…that’s scary. She’s already acting like a wife. I’m not sure whether I should be excited or scared right now.” Jerrick shakes his head in disbelief.