The bell rings and the doors open, and Mateo is sitting on his cellphone.

“Thank you for the tour.” I face her with the blanket still on my mind.

"You're welcome. It feels good to finally put a face with a name. We'll have more time to sit and get acquainted during your visit." She hugs me, and it's strong and filled with love. "Welcome to the family." She whispers before letting me go.

Family. The word lingers long after she rides the elevator back to her apartment, and Mateo ushers me out to the waiting vehicle. And for a moment, I wonder how his family will respond when they learn this engagement is a ruse.

"Madison and 57th," Mateo calls to the driver, and the SUV pulls into the flow of traffic.

I sit back, keeping an ear on Mateo's phone calls and my eyes on the city. Tia Marie's tour of the "family mansion" was once a dream for Mateo, to have all of his family under one roof.

She told me the basics. It’s actually seven stories, four of which are similar to her apartment. Then there's a family game room in the basement. The top two floors are Mateo's penthouse apartment. The driver returned, and now we're making a mad dash into the city for a little shopping.

"We don't have to do this now," I whisper, glancing over at him. He lifts the armrest between us, placing a hand on my leg. His long fingers wrap my thigh, and our eyes hold.

"We're fine. Susan usually handles this, but tonight's her big night." He explains, and for the next fifteen minutes, I listen as Mateo manages to open several high-end boutiques with a call.

“I’d like to stop and get them a gift.”

"We got them one." He says, dropping the phone in his pocket as the SUV rolls to a stop.

“What did we get them?”

"A seven-day honeymoon to a destination of their choice." He opens the door and disappears, leaving me alone for only a second to process his statement. He helps me out, tucking my hand around his arm, and like before the doors open to greet us.

"Mr. Rodriquez, Miss Martinez, please have a seat, and I'll bring out a few of our best selections." A chic woman motions with a flourish of her hand to a couch.

"Huh, okay," I respond, eyeing Mateo.

"I'm Galiana. Welcome to my boutique. Tell me, do you like short or long. Fitted or flowing."

I answer the questions, and a small army starts moving around, pulling dresses, accessories, shoes. Mateo makes phone calls stopping periodically to offer suggestions for alterations or color changes.

"I can't try on another stitch of clothing," I demand exhausted after over an hour of quick changes. I’ll have to tape my eyes open tonight.

“Galiana, charge my account and deliver everything to the house. I want the red gown, with the shoes and accessories delivered here within an hour.” He gives her a card.

"Yes, sir. Thank you." Galiana gives me a set of air kisses, and I'm whisked away.

This repeats for four more boutiques, and I'm looking at him, stunned. "Mateo, this is overwhelming. There's no way I'll wear all of these formal gowns and dresses in this lifetime."

"I always wanted to do this." He kisses me, and I kiss him back. "I remember when we used to share a pizza buffet. When I gave you a single ornament for Christmas. Let me spoil you, mi querida."

I nod. In college, I didn't want to use my parents' money, and Mateo couldn't work as a stipulation of his scholarship. We struggled together, neither of us complaining.

The final stop is at a spa. He requests the works from head to toe, and with a parting kiss, Mateo disappears.

Chapter 8

Alexandria steps into the lobby, and I only see her. I stand to my feet as our eyes hold for what feels like a lifetime. We talked about shopping in New York, traveling the world, gowns, yachts, and cars. But none of our wishing sessions felt like this.

I'm breathless, heart-pounding, fingers burning with the compulsion to touch her. And my heart whispers, mine.

Her caramel skin wrapped in a Christmas red dress like a gift, specially created for me. The imported fabric follows the peaks of her breast, valleys of her small waist, and contour her full hips falling into a pool of layers at her feet. Her hair is styled off her neck, and the diamonds sparkle across her chest. We're running late, but I'd rather take her home and unwrap my present.

The click of her heels brings her closer, I swirl my finger, and she does a sexy spin. The rocking of her hips causes my eyes to settle on her sweet bottom. She stops glancing back over her shoulder, she winks, then completes the rotation. I trace a finger down the hollow of her cheek and brush a kiss over her lips.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, mi querida."