I want to tell her that she’s being arrogant, but my knees are already feeling a little shaky, and she hasn’t even put her mouth on me yet. I have to focus to keep my legs from buckling as I move around her to perch on the bed. I half expect Maura to follow me, but she merely rotates to keep me in sight.

I can’t stand this distance between us. I don’t know how to broach it with words, but I do know how to incite action. I prop my hands behind me and lean back a little, arching my back. Then I hold her eyes as I slowly spread my thighs in clear invitation.

Still, Maura doesn’t move. It’s like she’s frozen in place. I’m so tense from this moment out of time that I can’t stop shaking. I clear my throat. “I told you what I want, Maura. Don’t make me say it again.”

A little smile curves Maura’s lips. It’s the only warning I get before she starts crawling to me. It should be awkward and painful to watch, but somehow she makes it graceful and so sexy, I can’t catch my breath.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” She kneels between my legs and rubs her cheek against my inner thigh. “Me, on my knees. Paying penance for the wrongs I’ve done to you.”

“That’s not what I—”

She presses her mouth to my pussy before I can finish the protest. In the bath, she obviously intended to tease me until I lost my mind. The tension between us has changed now. It’s different than last time, too. Back on the ship, she ate my pussy like she’d never get a chance to taste me again. That’s not what she’s doing right now. No, her mouth moves on me like a promise.

I’m afraid to contemplate what the promise might be.

Instead, I give myself fully over to the pleasure. There will be plenty of time to worry and wonder tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is take what she’s giving me with no questions asked.

It’s almost as if that decision unlocks something inside me. Maura’s next lick sends pleasure cascading through me. I dig my fingers into the bedding and cry out as I come.

It doesn’t stop for a long, long time.



Juliette sleeps like she’s never shared a bed, sprawled out and snoring softly. I find it strangely endearing, but then, I find everything about her endearing right now. We didn’t manage to talk yesterday or last night, but that’s fine. No matter what else is true, Juliette and I are drawn to each other. All the words and noble notions got in the way of that, but it’s over now.

She’s mine.

I’m hers.

All that’s left is to figure out the details.

I’m not remotely surprised to find our clothing was laundered while we were distracted. I take a few seconds to check my pockets and weapons, but nothing is missing or blatantly tampered with. It doesn’t mean whoever did our laundry didn’t go through it—I’d be surprised if that were the case—but at least they didn’t steal from us.

After a quick glance at Juliette, I judge her to still be sleeping deeply. She likely won’t wake until I give her reason to, which means I have time to arrange for breakfast. Eloise mentioned it in passing when I booked the room. It’s not an inn, so I suspect the rates are significantly steeper than they would be otherwise, but there was no way I’d have convinced Juliette to leave this building yesterday.

A small price to pay for how things worked out.

I get dressed and slip out of the room. Last night, this place was loud and busy and buzzing with energy. This morning… Morning? I eye the bright light streaming in from the open doors. Maybe it’s afternoon.

Either way, everything is more muted now. There are a few people at the tables in various stages of undress, but it’s impossible to tell if they threw on whatever was handy to come down or if they’ve been here this entire time.

I make my way carefully down the stairs and cross to the bar. Eloise is behind it, looking as fresh as a daisy. She gives me a lecherous grin. “Seems you made good use of the room.”

Against all reason, I have to fight not to blush. I clear my throat. “I was wondering about breakfast.”

“You know we’re not an inn, girl.” She rolls her eyes, but her smile is still wide. “I’ll have Nadia bring up something in a little while.”

I almost tell her to send someone else, but the truth is that this isn’t an inn. I slip her two gold pieces. “Thank you.”

She eyes the coins. “You’re trying to buy my goodwill, and I don’t dislike it. That girl really has you wrapped around her little finger, doesn’t she?”