I’m not sure it matters.

“Does it feel good, Jules?”

I clamp my lips shut, determined not to give her the satisfaction of knowing exactly how good it feels. It doesn’t matter. She knows. She presses another light kiss to the spot behind my ear. Somehow, in all these years and all my lovers, no one but Maura has ever kissed me there. It feels like a secret just between us, and the sheer bittersweetness of the moment nearly draws tears to my eyes.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me with your words. I can feel how much you’re enjoying this.” She keeps up that slow, thorough fucking as if we have all the time in the world. Maybe we do. The bathwater certainly isn’t cooling anytime soon, and dawn is many hours away. If I stay silent, will she spend every one of those hours doing exactly this?

Part of me wants to find out.

“I’ve missed you.” She speaks the words so softly, they can barely be qualified as a whisper. Almost as if she’s talking to herself rather than to me.

My heart gives a painful lurch. Those are words I have desperately wanted to hear, but it’s hard to relish them with so much pain between us. She spent days telling me she wants to see the back of me, and now she says she missed me? I have every intention of staying silent, but my hurt and need get the better of me. “I’m tired of this.”

She goes still. Her body is so tense around mine that she acts the part of a cage. She does not, however, withdraw her fingers from my pussy. “If you want something to change, you only have to ask.”

If I want something to change…

I might laugh if I weren’t so close to crying. I’ve asked for what I need, and the only response I’ve gotten is rejection. But that’s not what she’s talking about, is it? This is only sex. I’m suddenly terrified that it has only ever been sex between us.

If that’s the truth, then so be it.

“I’m tired of hearing you speak. I want you to put your mouth to better use.” This time, I don’t give her the chance to tell me to be explicit. “I want your mouth on me, Maura. I want your tongue in my pussy, fucking me until I come. I don’t want to hear another godsdamned word out of you.”

She’s silent for several beats. Just long enough for guilt to worm through me. I’m being an asshole, and we both know it. In that moment, I can’t help but wonder if maybe she’s been right all along. Maybe us being in such proximity is a recipe for disaster; we can’t seem to stop hurting each other, intentionally or no.

Maura eases her fingers out of me, dragging them slowly up and over my clit. She reverses the path she took initially, tracing her way up my stomach to cup my breasts, drift over my nipples, and finally dropping away. “Very well.”

She nudges me forward and slips out from behind me. Once again, I am treated to the gloriousness that is Maura. Her muscles move smoothly beneath wet scarred skin. She looks good enough to devour whole, but that’s not what I’m supposed to be doing tonight.

I don’t know if Maura has ever obeyed anyone even once in her life, but she doesn’t say a single word as she retrieves two towels and offers me a hand out of the tub. There is, however, a challenge in her green eyes. Not submission.

And why not? I’ve talked a good game, but I’m fighting not to hide in the tub like a coward. It takes everything I have to lift my hand and place it into hers. She guides me easily up and holds firm as I step out onto the tiled floor. Somehow, I’m not even remotely surprised to find it’s heated. The room itself is balmy, but after the warmth of the water, it feels cool enough to prickle my skin and draw my nipples into hard points.

Maura’s gaze drops to my chest, and she licks her lips. It seems to be an involuntary gesture, which only makes it sexier. No matter what else is true, I affect her just as deeply as she affects me.

I’m still trying to decide how to handle that when she swings the towel around me and gets to work drying my body. She does a good job at first—she whisks the water off my arms and spends entirely too much time on my breasts, lifting and weighing them in her toweled hands—but as she drops to her knees before me, she seems to forget what she’s about.

Truth be told, I forget too.

Maura runs her hands on the outside of my thighs and stops at my hips. When she speaks, her voice is hoarse with need. “Lie down on the bed, Jules. Once I start, I’m not going to want to stop. We can’t have you falling and cracking your head. It would ruin a good afternoon and an even better night.”