Page 36 of Reaper

If you had asked me where I saw my life going, I would have never imagined I would end up here. In the room of a notorious MC being protected by the president. I would have never dreamed that he would give up his room for me. That he would place me under his personal protection.

I used to have such a different life before I met William. Then I lived through the worst year of my life.

Now I’m here. I can’t even fathom how I ended up here.

It’s been seven days. A whole week since my life changed drastically.

I’m still scared of loud noises and most of the men, but I’m getting better. At least, I think I am.

Evelyn wants me to see a therapist, but I’m not sure I want to leave the clubhouse yet. Hell, most of the time I don’t leave my room.

Not mine.

Harrison’s room.

It’s still weird for me to call him that. For so long, he was this faceless hero that was going to save me named Kingston. Even before I escaped, I would have these fantasies of someone coming to rescue me. More often than not, my mind would murmur his name silently. I don’t know how to feel about that or him.

It doesn’t help that I haven’t seen much of him.

Sure, he stayed the first night, waking me every couple hours, and he did hang out with me the other day and played cards, but he’s gone more than he’s here.

He’s a busy man. Busier than the others.

I’ve seen a couple of the men I met that first night around the compound. At least that’s what Jacob tells me they call this piece of land.

Jacob has been a breath of fresh air. He talks to me, giving me information about everyone.

Thankfully, I haven’t seen that man from the first night that tried to force himself on me. I don’t know what happened to him, but he’s been staying away from the main area.

Or maybe he only shows up at night for the parties.

That’s been something else I’ve had to get used to.

Every single night, there is loud music out in the main area. I peeked once, but all I could see were scantily dressed women and the big burly men dancing and having a good time.

Well, I think they were dancing. The one girl was bent over, so I guess they could have been doing more, but I don’t want to think about that.

I know I could go out there if I wanted to. Both Jacob and Harrison have told me that I’m free to roam.

I haven’t been brave enough to do it yet. I was hoping Evelyn would show up again, but she hasn’t yet.

So instead, I stay in this room. Four walls that feel like they are closing in on me every time I think about being stuck in here.

My stomach grumbles at the reminder that I haven’t eaten. Jacob is supposed to bring me food, but he hasn’t been by yet.

I wonder if he’s forgotten. More than likely, one of the guys sent him on some errand.

I hate that they treat him that way, but he insists it’s the way it has to be done. He has to pay his dues, showing his commitment to the cause.

I don’t know how unclogging a shit filled toilet does that, but he reassured me that it was his honor to take care of that particular issue.

I scrunch my nose up as I remember the stench coming from the bathroom. It was terrible.

I’m lying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling when I hear it.

The loud voices from down the hall seem to be getting closer.

I can’t hear the words, but the tone is coming through loud and clear.