They are angry.
My body tenses as I move closer to the door. I let out a sigh when I saw that I locked it. I know it doesn’t mean much because the door could easily be kicked down, but still, it makes me feel better.
My body is coiled tight as the shouts grow closer.
They are coming down the hall. Closer to me.
What if it’s him? What if William found me? What if he’s out there fighting to get to me?
My breaths grow ragged as the thoughts assault me. The idea that he could have his hands on me again in a few short minutes.
When something slams into the wall right next to the door, I’m on my feet. Logically, I know it’s probably a couple of the guys getting rowdy, but my body isn’t listening to logic. Instead, it’s on the move.
Get to safety. Don’t let him hurt you again.
That seems to be the recurring thought flitting through my mind. So instead of fighting it, I let it take me as memories I’d rather forget flood my brain.
“You’re such a little slut, aren’t you? I saw the way you looked at the waiter at the restaurant. Do you want him?”
“What? No. I was being polite. I love you. I don’t want anyone but you,” I beg William to listen to me.
He doesn’t though. Instead, he moves closer.
He’s never laid a hand on me before. He prefers to hurt me with his words. I should be thankful for that.
“You want to whore around on me? Fine. I’ll treat you like a whore. Get on your fucking knees.”
“Please. Not now. Not while you’re angry,” I whimper.
He ignores me, reaching out to grip my hair. I scream as he twists his hands in it. Then he pulls it down until I’m on my knees.
“Shut the fuck up, whore. Swallow my dick, and maybe I’ll forget about this transgression.”
Tears flow freely down my face. “I don’t want to.”
Then he does it. He crosses that last line. A smack to my face has me landing on the floor.
Before I can get back onto my knees, he’s pulling me up, his fingers in my mouth.
“Open wide.”
I want to scream. I want to hit him. I can’t do anything. I’m locked inside my own mind while he does what he pleases with my body.
God, when will this end?
I didn’t meanto be gone so long, but with the added security measures to our runs, it was unavoidable.
I worry about Natalie being here by herself. She’s such a strong woman, but she has her weaknesses as well. I know the men make her uncomfortable. It makes my blood boil thinking of why.
Yet she looks at me like I’m her savior. I have to admit, it’s a heady feeling. I never thought I’d want to be someone’s hero, but when she looks at me with that worship, it makes my dick hard.
Not that I can act on it. She’s too skittish. She deserves better than a dirty biker who lives for violence.
So instead, I’ll take care of her while I have her until I can solve her problems.
Maybe I’ll find a sweetbutt to play out the fantasy with me once she’s gone.