As we walk down the line, he stops and talks to people here and there, but he never leaves my side.
Then I see it. The prettiest car I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
“It’s gorgeous,” I whisper, letting go of Harrison’s hand to walk up to the car.
I don’t know anything about cars, but it looks sexy with its sparkly purple paint. I reach my hand out to touch it before Harrison stops me.
“Baby girl, you don’t touch a man’s car,” he tells me.
“Good thing a man doesn’t own it then.” A female voice comes from the passenger side.
When she walks into view, all I can think is that this woman looks like she could kick my ass. She’s older than me, probably closer to Harrison’s age. Her dark hair falls down her back as she has on a tight tank top that is folded up under her breasts to where it almost looks more like a sports bra. Then there are those cutoff shorts.
She’s hot as fuck.
“My apologies. Still, she shouldn’t touch cars that don’t belong to us. It could cause issues.”
The woman snorts, walking closer to me, grabbing my hand until it smooths down on the paint.
“It’s so pretty,” I whisper.
She laughs. “I thought so. Are you into cars?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know anything about them honestly.”
“Well this pretty girl is a 1972 Cuda in Tor-red with numbers matching factory 340 and Hurst. It’s a four-speed. She’s my second baby. I restored her myself. Well, with my man’s help.”
“That’s so cool. I wish I could do something like that.”
“You can. Why wouldn’t you?”
I shrug. “It seems like a lot.”
A man walks up behind her, pulling her into his body, “What are you doing, bab?”
“Talking to my new friend. Name’s Roxy, by the way.” She holds her hand out to me.
“Natalie, this is Ha…I mean Reaper.” I indicate to the man who has stayed silent behind me.
“Roman.” The other man reaches out to shake Harrison’s hand.
Roman engages Harrison in conversation next to us while Roxy slides closer.
“You know, you can learn anything you want to. I learned about cars when I was really young. I spent the time with the guys and did everything I could to learn about them. It may seem impossible, but it’s not. You can even race them. It takes time and patience, but you’ll get it if you try. You won’t get anywhere if you keep thinking negatively.”
“You race this car?” My eyes widen.
She smiles. “I do.”
“I think I just fell in love with you. You are seriously the most badass woman I have ever met.”
She laughs, throwing her arm around my shoulders. “I wasn’t always so badass. I’ve had my troubles along the way, but you only need three things to truly be happy in life.”
“What are they?”
“A good man at your side, people who you consider family regardless if you share blood and a purpose.” She looks over her shoulder at Harrison. “Seems like you have the man.”
I nod. “I think I do. It’s still new, and we didn’t meet under the best of circumstances, but I’m starting to think he might keep me.”