Page 98 of Reaper

She breathes in at my neck, snuggling a little deeper.

“How would it work?”

“There are these races that happen every month in Vegas. It’s neutral ground. There are cops there, but also bodyguards hired by the man who runs it. I would take you there on a date. We would walk around and chat with the people I know. Make sure we are seen. Give him a chance to do something. He might see through it and not do anything or he might make a move.”

“Just me and you?”

I shake my head. “Never. We will have backup. Most of the guys would come with us and filter out in the crowd. Trigger would watch through the cameras. I also have contacts outside the club that I will reach out to and make sure they are there too.”

She’s quiet for a moment. Needing to see her face, I pull back, pulling her chin up.

“I will keep you safe. You know that, right? That I would die before I’d ever let anyone hurt you ever again?”

She nods. “I know. Let’s do it. I’m not going to lie. I’m nervous about it, but I trust you.”

Leaning down, I capture her lips with mine. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Now go back to your girls. I’ll get the ball rolling on this.”

She gives me a small smile before standing from my lap, heading toward the door. Once it’s open, I call out to her.

“Baby girl.”

She turns, looking at me over her shoulder.

I love you.

The words want to slip out, but I can’t make myself say them. I might have said them when she was asleep but I don’t know if she’s ready to hear them yet. Instead, I say, “You’re the best part of me.”

She smiles. “You’re becoming everything to me.”

* * *

My nerves are shot.

I’m trying to be strong for Harrison but being surrounded by so many people is scary. Especially knowing that William may show up at any moment.

Having Harrison next to me, holding my hand, helps, but he’s tense too. He’s on high alert, looking for any threat.

We pulled up to the races ten minutes ago, but I feel like I haven’t even taken in what it all entails. All I can see are the faces. My eyes scan them looking for a familiar one, hating what it would mean if I find it.

“Want to look at the cars?” Harrison asks, leaning into me.

I give him a small smile. “Sure.”

I let him lead me over to the line of cars with their hoods open. He walks slowly, looking at each one.

“The races will start in a bit. Everyone registers when they come in if they want to race. Then once the cut-off has been met, whether it be the number of participants or how late it is, it’s sent to each racer’s cell phone. They can walk around and find their opponent to size them up. Spectators can also walk around and see the cars as well.”

“Do you know much about cars?” I ask.

He chuckles. “We own a mechanic shop, baby girl.”

“I mean, I thought it was just bikes. That’s all I ever see Wrath working on in the shop out back.”

“That’s our personal shop for club shit. We have a shop in town where we take cars, trucks, eighteen wheelers. Whatever really. If it runs, we can fix it.”

“Oh. I mean, I’ve heard you mention it before. I guess I didn’t realize.”

“It’s all good.”