“He didn’t rape me tonight.”
Finally my control snaps, and my fist hits the wall, causing both girls to gasp.
She didn’t say anything about him never raping her. Only not tonight.
“Harrison. You need to calm down. You’re scaring her,” Evelyn reprimands me.
I turn, ignoring the fact that she’s standing naked. Moving closer to her, I slowly raise my hand until I cup her cheek.
“I’m sorry. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
Her eyes are closed tight. Her body shaking.
I let my hand drop, moving to my dresser.
Opening a drawer, I grab a T-shirt. Taking it over to her, I pull it over her head, helping her push her arms through until it falls to her knees. Then I move back, grabbing a pair of boxers. Kneeling, I look up at her.
“Use my shoulders to keep your balance.”
She finally opens her eyes, looking down at me. Cautiously, she places her hands on my shoulders. Then she lifts one leg. I push the material onto it before she sets it down. Then she lifts the second. Once the material is pulled up over her hips, I help guide her back to sitting.
“Do you need anything else from her?” I ask Evelyn.
“She has some bruised ribs and a concussion. I know you have some painkillers. She can take one every six hours. Someone should stay with her until the concussion lets up. Wake her up every couple of hours to make sure she doesn’t have a brain bleed. Without machines, I can’t tell.”
“I’ll stay with her.”
Evelyn nods. “Got it. I’ll have Sunny bring some clothes for her.”
“That would be helpful. Thank you.”
Evelyn turns to Natalie. “Are you going to be okay? I can stay if you prefer.”
Natalie looks at me a moment. “I’m okay. He said he won’t hurt me. Might be dumb of me, but I believe him.”
Evelyn snorts. “He better not hurt you. If he does, he will have to deal with me.” She gives me a stern look before smiling at Natalie. “If you need anything at all, Natalie, you have him call me. I will come right back over.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here for me.” Natalie looks down at the floor.
“Nonsense. It’s my job. I’ll come back by tomorrow morning to check on you. Try to rest.”
I walk over to the door, letting Evelyn out. I mouth thank you to her, but she only rolls her eyes at me.
Once the door is shut behind me, I turn back to Natalie.
She’s standing as far away from me as possible with her arms wrapped around herself.
“Please sit down and rest.” I motion toward the bed.
She sits slowly, trying to keep her breathing steady. I can tell it hurts her though.
“I didn’t know you were Kingston. I honestly thought it was a first name. I’ve only ever heard him call you that,” she whispers as she folds in on herself, trying to make herself smaller.
I move to kneel in front of her. She startles for a moment but then relaxes.
“You need to rest, but I need some information. Do you feel up to talking about it?”