Page 15 of Reaper

She looks up at me. “Sorry. I couldn’t stand the idea of putting his clothes back on.”

I grit my teeth. “No problem. I don’t have much that will fit you, but take what you need.”

Evelyn steps into the room behind me. “Pinky’s old lady is about her size. I bet she has some pants that will fit her.”

Natalie jerks in surprise.

“It’s okay. This is the doctor I told you about,” I try to comfort her.

She looks at me. “Okay.”

“How about you step out while I look her over?” Evelyn advises.

“No. We don’t know anything about her. I’m staying.”

I might be choosing to give this girl some trust, but this is my sister. I don’t need her taking a knife to her neck or something crazy. In fact, I should have searched her before bringing her to my room. Not that it matters much. It wouldn’t take much snooping to find several weapons.

Jesus, this woman already has me making stupid decisions.

Evelyn glares. “She deserves privacy, Harrison.”

Natalie’s eyes meet mine. “I thought your name was Reaper.”

Evelyn chuckles. “I’m sure he’d prefer that. Nope. He was born Harrison Kingston, much to his dismay.”

I grimace. Evelyn is a pain in the ass.

“Kingston? You’re who I’m looking for?”

Evelyn looks between us. “What do you mean?”

“Enough. I’ll face the door, and you can examine her. Then me and Natalie need to have a talk.”

Evelyn looks at Natalie as if asking permission. When she nods, Evelyn indicates that I need to turn around. I wait until she sets down her med bag before I comply.

Facing the door, I listen as my sister begins her exam.

“I’ll start at your head. Then we will move down from there. Let me know if you feel any discomfort or need a break.”


With every hiss from Natalie, my blood boils higher.

“Can you tell me what happened? Where you’re hurt?” I hear Evelyn ask.

“We were having dinner. He started yelling at me. He accused me of not paying attention. He punched me in the face. The chair tipped back, making me hit my head on the floor. Then he started to kick me. I don’t know how long it lasted. It hurts to breathe. I threw up outside. My head is pounding. I’ve been getting dizzy and feel weak.”

The more she talks, the deeper the urge builds to wrap my hands around his neck and strangle the life out of him becomes. That would be too easy though. After what he’s put her through, he needs to feel half the pain she has.

“You have a cut on the back of your head. It’s still bleeding a little, but it’s not deep. It won’t need stitches. I’m going to shine this light in your eyes for a moment. It’s going to hurt.”

“That’s okay.”

For several minutes, they are silent other than Evelyn asking Natalie to move here and there.

Then my sister asks, “Do I have any reason to do a pelvic exam? A rape kit?”

As we wait for Natalie’s answer, I can feel the tension in the air.