Page 25 of Wild Pucker

"How the fuck did Cassidy Tippett get photos of our wedding?" Luke asks to no one in particular, but loud enough that everyone in the vicinity can hear him. Nearly everyone from the wedding has trickled in to enjoy breakfast and the current entertainment on display.

Luke and Holly look around the room, searching for the guilty party. No one comes forward until Holly's mom, Mary, looks sheepishly at us.

"It may have been my fault," Mary admits, walking toward us with my uncle on her arm. "I forgot about Cassidy's gossip column; her mom and I are friends. I didn't think twice when Arlene asked for some wedding pictures. I thought Holly, Avery, and Cassidy were still friends from high school."

"Mom!" Holly shrieks. She throws a hand to her forehead and rubs her temples. "We were not friends! We were arch-enemies. Cassidy was the Regina George of our high school. She's a mean girl!"

"Who's Regina George?" my dad asks. Mom sighs and starts explaining the pop culture significance ofMean Girls. This morning has officially turned into a gong show.

"Well, what's done is done," Avery sighs. "Now we have to take the story back and control the narrative. So, this is what Holly and I propose. We think the new season of 'The Blue and White Life' should focus on Lily. Technically, she's a part of the team now, so she can include her work. Last season, Ryan's posts about food had the highest number of views. People are interested in what the team eats.

"But more people are interested in this." Avery motions between Chase, Sam and me. "I think we should do a Bachelorette-style competition. Both Chase and Sam will have three dates. We can work around the hockey schedule to make it fair and alternate dates. Holly or I will chaperone, record video for the vlog, and maybe do a few Lives. Lily, your job will be to keep an online diary to share with your followers. You won't be allowed to go on dates outside of the competition, but obviously, day-to-day interaction is excluded because you work closely with both Sam and Chase."

"You want me to write a diary for everyone to read?" I ask incredulously. The whole point of a diary is to write down your innermost thoughts and work through your issues privately. It's not to share them with every judgemental, nosey idiot so they can dissect and comment on it.

"Yes, but you're in control," Holly says sympathetically. "You choose what gets posted in the online diary."

"And who chooses what gets posted on the video blog?" Sam asks, finally saying something about this horrendously ridiculous idea.

"Avery and I do," Holly states like it should be obvious.

"When would this all start?" I ask hesitantly because I am not agreeing to this.

"As soon as training camp starts," Avery says. "If you're all in agreement, Holly and I will send a press release and announce everything on all the team's socials. Only people who subscribe to us will have access to the content. We've already got the green light from the Starlings. Monica thinks it's a brilliant idea."

"You've already taken this to ownership?" I shriek. If Monica and Mitchell Starling want this to happen, I can't say no. They're the team owners. They're everyone's boss.

"Holly and I pitched the idea this morning. I also contacted a few businesses, and we already have sponsors interested. Tourism Toronto is on board to help plan dates as long as we showcase some tourist attractions, and we have a few designers who want you to wear their clothing on camera. I'm sure we're going to get more interest as we go along."

"I'm in," Sam says, smiling. "If it gives me a fair shot at Lily, I'm all in, with the condition that twenty-five percent of any sponsorships related to the dates I take Lily on get donated to the Alzheimer Society of Canada. And if I win, the team also makes a sizeable donation."

"Done," Avery agrees, then turns towards me. "This man is a walking dream, Lily!"

I can't believe this. This is insane. I look at Sam, who smiles kindly at me. God, how can I say no? The team is backing us, and now we're donating to charity. I glance at Chase. He looks furious like he wants to throw me over his shoulder and whisk me away from this madness. A shiver of anticipation runs through me.

"Come on, Lily," Riley nudges me and grins. Her red hair shines in the early morning light, making it look like she's on fire. She pulls me aside and speaks in a low voice. "You deserve this. You deserve to have two amazing guys fight for you. You said you were confused about Sam and Chase. Maybe this will give you some clarity."

I look at both men again. Sam hopeful, and Chase furious. Maybe Riley is right. Maybe I deserve to be romanced by these men. Maybe the connection I've developed with Sam is real. Maybe I need clarity. Maybe, even though it's unorthodox and probably a terrible idea, this crazy scheme will give me the clarity I need to choose one of these men. Maybe, maybe, maybe, there are too many maybes.

"Okay," I finally say, and Holly and Avery whoop in triumph.

"What?" Luke and Chase yell again.

"I said, ‘Okay.' Riley's right. I need clarity, and if this is for a good cause and charity, I'll do it. If Sam's dates support the Alzheimer Society, Chase can choose a beneficiary too. If we're going to do this, we may as well be doing good.”

“My winnings can go to the Canadian Mental Health Association,” Chase says, and I can’t help but wonder why he chose that specific organization.

"Is there anyone else who wants a shot at my sister?" Luke calls out sarcastically to his teammates in the dining room. "Why don't we get a dozen guys to date you, Lily? Why not a full twenty-five like the real Bachelorette? Why not turn your love life into a fucking circus?" Daniel Drake moves to stand but sits back down when Luke points at him and growls, "Don't even fucking think about it."

"Settle down, Luke," Holly rolls her eyes at her husband. "This is a good idea."

"Fine," Chase speaks over Holly and Luke's bickering, finally agreeing. I can't help but think this is anything but "fine" to him. He turns to me, a fierce look on his face. Oh no, this situation is definitely notfine. "But make no mistake, Lily. You're mine."

With that, Chase turns and heads for the buffet with Luke. Riley disappears to go paddle boating with Ozzy, and Holly and Avery sit down to start planning. Sam takes a seat at the other side of the table, shooting me a comforting smile. I give him a weak one in return before glancing back at Chase.

Make no mistake, Lily. You're mine.

The words repeat in my head, echoing what Chase said before he kissed me in December.You're mine.