I shiver from head to toe with anticipation. This is either the most exciting thing to ever happen to me or the worst idea to have even been thought into existence.
Got a Short List of Ex-Lovers
Ibreathe in the crisp air of the arena as I skate around the two hundred by eighty-five feet sheet of ice. It's just me, the rink, and the skates laced on my feet. The rest of the team and hopeful rookies won't be on the ice until tomorrow.
I've always found something calming about being alone in an arena; just me, myself, and I. I control my breathing, my movement, and my mind. I can clear my head and just skate, or I can get lost in my thoughts and think things through.
I haven't seen Lily for four days, which is probably a good thing because the shiner Luke gave me is fading, but I still look like I went one round too many with a UFC fighter. We've texted, but we haven't talked, and I fucking hate it almost as much as I hate this joke of a dating game Holly and Avery have us playing. But the real kicker is that for the first time in my life, this isn't a game to me. This is Lily, and there is no fucking way I'm letting her walk away from me and into the arms of another man.
There's no turning back now. Cassidy Tippett's article blew up the internet, and when Holly and Avery posted the teaser trailer forThe Blue and White Bachelorette, they broke it. People are going batshit crazy for more. The video of Sam and I asking Lily to choose one of us has exploded online. People are subscribing in droves and commenting like their lives depend on the outcome of my love life, which also means businesses wanting to get on board with sponsorships have boomed.
A small part of me has to admit it's a brilliant idea. Holly and Avery see this as a way to expand the Northmen's female fanbase. And I can't disagree. Sports and romance, who'd have thought it would make such a lucrative cocktail? I keep reminding myself part of this is for charity. Otherwise, I'd probably kidnap Lily and tell Sam to fuck off and find his own soulmate.
"Hey, lover boy," a voice calls from the bench, breaking my concentration. Holly is standing at the gate with a folder in her hands.
"What's up?" I ask, skating over.
"I have a few things for you to sign before we can move forward with things." Things being this dating farce.
"What kind of things?"
"Just legal gobble-dee-gook. The legal team is crossing our T's and dotting our I's so nothing backfires."
I open the folder and start skimming the agreement. It sets out the parameters ofThe Blue and White Bachelorette— they're seriously calling it that. Lily, Sam, and I have to sign an agreement that states we are all consenting adults and fully understand the terms and conditions set out in the contract. I flip the page and study these terms and conditions.
The first few subsections detail how the dates will work. Sam and I will alternate dates with Lily, taking her on planned excursions that correspond with our sponsors. At the end of the dating period, Lily will choose between us at a home game against the Las Vegas Aces.
The contract also states that Lily is not allowed to disclose her choice to anyone. Regardless of how the dates progress, she must complete all six dates. She can't cancel or end the dating process early, even if she's made up her mind. The main reason for this stipulation is to fulfil agreements with advertisers and sponsors who have paid for content.
By the time I get to the last page, my eye starts to twitch.
"Are you kidding me?" I glare at Holly and point to the contract's last page, which details how dates are supposed to flow. I read aloud, “'As participants progress their romantic relationships, kissing, touching, and romantic gestures throughout the dating period are encouraged. Should the participants choose to engage in a relationship of a sexual nature, both parties agree to obtain verbal consent and acknowledge that any sexual congress is outside the scope of what is considered a date.’"
The thought of Lily utilizing this clause with Sam makes me seethe.
"Think of it as an extracurricular sleepover," Holly says innocently, which doesn't make me feel any better because any sleepover I've ever had with a woman has ended with everyone naked. "It doesn't mean she'll take anything to the next level. It's just an opportunity, outside of the dates, for Lily to explore her relationships with both of you."
I take the pen and sign the damn contract, then leave the ice for the locker room, Holly's heels click-clacking after me.
"Thank you, Chase," she beams at me. I wave her off, but she keeps following me to my player's stall. She doesn't bat an eyelash as I start taking off my equipment. "If it's any consolation, the ball's in your court. Lily's been half in love with you for most of her life. She has heart eyes for you. The game is yours to lose."
"This isn't a fucking game, Holly. This is my life." I run my hands through my sweat-dampened hair. I can't fuck this up. I can't lose her when I've finally earned a chance to be with her. "I've fucked up so much already that I don't know what she sees in me. I've done some pretty shitty things in my life, things Lily would be disgusted by, and you've pitted me against a fucking wonder boy."
"Chase," Holly starts but then stops. I can see the pity in her eyes, and it makes me sick.
"I don't even know what a healthy relationship looks like, let alone what one feels like, Holly. I know what my father's fists feel like. I know what disappointment feels like. I know what it feels like to be fucked for my fame. I know how to use people, but I don't know how to love them."
"You're wrong." Holly sits down beside me, taking my hands in hers. "You know how to love, Chase. You love Luke and Angie and Matthew. You love your teammates and being on the ice with them, playing the game you love. And you love Lily, Chase. You have a big heart and an even bigger capacity to love," she says before standing and giving my chest a pat right over my heart. "You just need to believe it."
I clench my fists and swallow hard. Holly stands and gives me another smile. Luke is a lucky man, and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm jealous of what he and Holly have. It's what I want with Lily.
"In case you were curious," Holly says turning before exiting the locker room. "Lily is upstairs in her office beside the kitchen doing some last-minute planning for training camp." Holly gives me a pointed look. "Alone."
With that, Holly breezes out the door, leaving the scent of apples in the room. My heart pounds as I rush to shower and change in record time until I'm rocking back on my heels in the elevator, making my way up to see Lily.