Page 16 of Wild Pucker

"I just don't like him." I sound like a petulant child and I know it.

"Oh, Chase.” Angie stops walking and pulls me aside under a tall maple tree. "You're a good man too. You've always been like a second son to me, and I want you to be as happy as my own children."

"I am happy." I lie, and Angie shoots me one of her skeptical looks that says she's not buying what I'm trying to sell.

"I may not know everything that went on in your house, Chase, but I know it wasn't good," Angie says sadly. "If I could have, I would have stolen you away from your father because I love you, and so does Matthew. As far as we're concerned, you're our son too. You've grown into a good man, and we are so proud of you, Chase." My throat tightens as Angie speaks. She pauses for just a moment, giving me the side-eye. "Mind you, there were some questionable years thrown in there, but even Luke's made some choices I didn't exactly approve of.

"I know my daughter," she continues. “And I know for her, it's always been you. I used to watch Lily trail after you and Luke and wonder if you'd ever reciprocate those feelings. As a mother, I'd hoped you would because you never want to see your daughter heartbroken. But I also hoped for you because you deserve to be loved, and my daughter has a huge capacity to love."

"I'm not good enough for her." The words come out unbidden, and I immediately want to take them back.

"Oh, my darling boy, but you are." Angie puts a hand to my cheek. It's soothing and warm like a mother's touch should be. "Love is love. If you think my daughter might be the one, fight for her. And if you don't, let her go. Let her be happy with someone else."

Before I can respond, the photographer is waving us over. I lead Angie over to the rest of the wedding party, who are all taking their places for a group shot.

My eyes naturally stray to Lily. She's smiling, hugging Holly. Seeing her so happy makes my chest hurt. I've always wanted her, probably for longer than even I realize. And I want her to be happy. I want her to have everything she's ever wished for and more. But I can't help thinking, try as I might, I'd just end up making her miserable.


Let’s Dance


Sam is an excellent dancer.

We glide over the dance floor like water, our hands linked as we two-step to the left and right. He lets go of one hand and spins me, my dress twirling as I circle out and then back into his waiting arms. I laugh, loud and uninhibited. I love dancing. And I've never met someone who actually knows how to dance other than just bobbing and thumping about to the beat.

Sam surprises me by grabbing my waist and lifting me up, swing dance style, dipping me to each side. Everyone around us is clapping and cheering us on. We're putting on a show, and I love it.

It's been a fantastic day. I never thought I would have this much fun at my brother's wedding, but Sam is wonderful. He's charming and funny and everything a girl could want. Half the women here are probably in love with him. Between his good looks and his dance moves, he's a total dream. And I want to feel something for him. I think loving him would be easy, but I tried forcing love once with Derrick and it didn't work. There was always something missing.

"Don't look now, but Mr. Wilder is brooding in the corner." Sam smirks and dips me again. I was surprised when he pinpointed Chase as the man I'd been pining for all this time. He's too smart for his own good, and whatever game he has me playing tonight, it's working. Chase looks miserable. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

It took everything in me to not look at him during the ceremony and focus my attention on Sam, who insisted my indifference would drive him mad. I almost succeeded in completely ignoring him, but I couldn't help glancing his way at the end of the ceremony when Ollie pronounced Luke and Holly as husband and wife.

He looked breathtaking, flashing a dashing smile at the newlyweds, with hair that had been mussed at some point during the ceremony. Chase has always had a bad habit of torturing his hair when he's thinking too hard or nervous. I've often had to resist the urge to tuck stray strands back into place. And his eyes have a way of up-turning at the corners when he's genuinely smiling. Seeing him happy makes my heart ache to be closer to him.

I glance up at Sam, a man who is clearly interested in me. Who is kind and caring and who I love being around. He's perfect, and it makes me wonder what's wrong with me that I can't be excited to have captured the eye of such a great guy. Maybe I need to let go of Chase to truly appreciate what's in front of me. Maybe my fixation is stopping me from giving a man like Sam a real chance.

"Uh oh, looks like you're overthinking," Sam teases, leading me off the dance floor. I'm breathless, flushed from spinning, and grateful for the glass of ice water waiting at my table.

"Excuse us, Samuel," a cheery voice trills behind me. Avery breezes into the seat next to me, followed by Holly, Riley, Taylor, and her girlfriend Tyra. "But we need to have a quick intervention with your date."

"By all means," Sam says, standing up and excusing himself from the table.

Riley links arms with me and proceeds to drag me out of the reception hall onto a balcony overlooking Lake Rosseau. The sky is dark and clear, and the moon and stars are out in full force. It's beautifully romantic, and instead of enjoying it with some arm candy, I'm stuck with five other women.

"What game are you playing?" Avery questions, narrowing her eyes at me. These women are like human lie detectors. There's no way I'm getting away with fibbing, but that doesn't stop me from trying.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Nice try." Holly rolls her eyes and turns to Riley, who looks like a deer caught in headlights. "Riley, what's going on? This is my wedding. You can't lie to the bride."

Riley mouths "sorry" to me before launching into our harebrained scheme to make Chase jealous.Some friend she is.

"You sneaky, brilliant bitch." Avery grins. "I didn't think you had it in you, but I'm impressed."

"Does Sam know you're using him for nefarious purposes?" Tyra asks. She's a stunning Hollywood A-Lister, and she and Taylor make an annoyingly beautiful couple. They got together in the spring after Tyra came out to the public, and her agent turned into a psychopath stalker.