Page 17 of Wild Pucker

"Of course, he knows," I say, slightly offended. "I would never have enlisted him to help me without him knowing my purpose."

"And he was okay with it?" Taylor asks, confused. "Because he's either a fantastic actor or crazy into you."

I glance at Sam over by the bar, charming Holly's mother who's attached to my Uncle Eddie.

"Wait! Are you into Sam?" Holly squeals, following my line of sight.

"No!" I say a little too fast. "Not really. I don't know. I'm confused." I groan.

And I am confused. I want to like Sam, but I don't know if it's because I like him in a let's-get-naked way or because I miss the feeling of being wanted by a man. I sigh, running my hands over my face, pulling the skin down.

"I like the way Sam makes me feel. I like that he cares and makes an effort. He makes me laugh and treats me like I'm something special. He's funny and good-looking, and we have a lot of fun together."

"But," Riley says, filling in the unsaid word I was thinking.

“But Chase makes my heart race. When I close my eyes, it's Chase I picture." I frown, staring into the crowd of dancers. "But Chase avoids me and has made it clear he's not willing to see what this thing simmering between us is. He won't chance ruining his friendship with my brother."

"Don't worry about Luke," Holly reassures me. "I'll take care of him."

"Maybe I've deluded myself into thinking he wants me," I sigh. "Maybe I've blinded myself to other options because I've been infatuated with the idea of Chase for so long that I can't tell the difference between truth and reality."

"Don't be ridiculous.” Avery huffs before pointing directly at Chase, who is hunched over a drink at the wedding party's table. "That boy is mad with jealousy. Anyone with eyes in their head can see he wants you. He just needs to get over himself, pull up his big boy pants, and take you to O-Town, Orgasmville, the Hoe-down Showdown, the—"

"We get it," I cut Avery off before she gets carried away.

“But…” Riley grins mischievously, drumming her fingers together like a supervillain, "it wouldn't hurt to explore things with Samuel in the meantime. That man is delicious."

"Do you think there could be more with him?" Tyra asks, looking over at Sam appreciatively. Tyra is gay, and even she enjoys the fine specimen that is Samuel McCrae.

"Maybe. I'm definitely attracted to him." I chew my lip and look from Chase to Sam, unsure of myself. "And I owe Sam a few dates when we get back."

"Say what now?" Avery questions.

"When I propositioned him to be my date to make Chase jealous, he made me promise to a couple of dates to change my mind."

"Smart man.” Taylor smiles. She looks so much like Holly that it's actually frightening. They'd almost be twins if she didn't have light brown eyes. "He's fighting for you."

"So go on the dates with him and give him a chance. Either Chase will lose his mind and realize he's in love with you, or you'll finally get over him and fall in love with Sam. It's a win-win situation," Riley says as if it's that easy.

"Excuse me, ladies," Ozzy says, cutting into our girl gang meeting. He tosses his most devastating smile at Riley, who blushes so deep her cheeks match her hair. "But my sister seems to be hogging all the beautiful ladies in the room to herself, and I know for a fact her husband is looking for her."

Avery's eyes immediately roam the room and land on Ryan, who lights up when he sees her. She excuses herself and is swept away into a slow dance. Avery and Ryan went through a rough time getting back together this spring. They're so sweet and in love it makes my teeth ache.

"Riley," Ozzy grins. "I think this is our song."

"We have a song?" Riley says a little breathlessly, listening to the first notes of a "Betty Davis Eyes" cover play over the speakers. There's nothing quite like an eighties love ballad.

"We do now."

Ozzy whisks Riley away like the suave lady's man that he is and starts spinning her around the dance floor. Luke comes to collect his wife, and then Taylor and Tyra join the couples on the dance floor too. I watch everyone, trying not to let envy seep into my bones.

"May I have this dance?" Sam's voice whispers from behind me. Wordlessly, he takes my hands and whisks me into the dance, placing my arms around his neck before wrapping his around my waist. We sway back and forth to the music comfortably. When his arms pull me a little closer and grip me a little tighter, a small current of awareness zings through me.

"Are you having a nice time, Ms. Valentine?” Sam asks, leaning back slightly to look into my eyes. His are clear grey-blue and so full of heat it makes me blush.

"Yes," I say, my voice low. My heart rate starts to accelerate when Sam's eyes drift down to my lips. Reflexively, my tongue darts out to moisten them. Another burst of heat flashes in his eyes, and that's when I know.

Samuel is going to kiss me.