“No need to overreact, Doc. I was only kidding,” she drawled.

Aryan glared at them.

He didn’t expect anything better from Jessie, but that Sister would join in the laughter felt like a betrayal.

“This is not funny. I was worried that I’d have to sell my house to replace the set just because the princess was in a mood to play tea party,” he said angrily.

“Hey, if I was playing tea party, there would be sandwiches and cake,” retorted Jessie.

“That’s too rich for my blood. I’ll stick to chai and biscuit, thank you very much,” he shot back.



Dr Clueless was insufferable!

I had cleaned the whole bloody place from top to bottom, and I hadn’t even thrown up when I found a smear of baby poop on the back of my hand. After that, I had ordered tea and biscuits for the idiot because I knew he wouldn’t stop for a snack before his evening clinic, and he had the cheek to call me a brat?Me?

I had never held a broom in my life until this afternoon. I had wasted precious wet wipes from the diaper station on picking up poop and vomit until Sister handed me a dustpan and rubber mop. I’d had to google hospital cleaning supplies to know which ones to ask for. But I had done my best, and this bastard dared to call me a brat?

“Take your biscuit and stuff it up your ass,” I yelled.

“And you take your tea set and...”

“Stop it, both of you,” said Sister, sternly.

The horror on her face brought me to my senses, and I sat down on the closest chair, thoroughly ashamed of my behaviour.

Aryan might be a boor, but I was better than him. I had no business screaming like a fishwife at his place of work.

“Dr Sharma, Jessie ma’am helped us out so much this afternoon. Is this how you repay her? By being so rude?”

“She started it…”

“She was just joking, and I think she’s entitled to a little joke after all the work that she has done today.”

“For heaven’s sake, Sister, she just cleaned up a small waiting room. You do that every day. But you don’t treat it like an excuse to mock people,” he argued.

I wanted to smash my cup on Aryan’s head. Hell, I wanted to smash the whole tea set on his fat head. But my mother would be ashamed of me for behaving so badly. So, I set my cup down carefully and stood up.

“I’m sorry if I upset you, Dr Sharma…”

As usual, he didn’t let me finish.

“Upset? Who’s upset? Not me!”

“Then why are you yelling?”

“I’m not yelling,” he yelled.

“What the hell is your problem, Aryan?”

“My problem is that I don’t have time for the kind of games that you like to play.”

“What games?”

“I know you, Jessie. You might be enjoying the role of Lady Bountiful for now, but you’ll get bored of it soon, and bad things happen when you get bored. You might have forgotten what happened at that old people’s home, but I haven’t.”