“I was eighteen, for fuck’s sake! And I was only trying to help,” I cried.

“You threatened to shoot a man!”

“He was a dirty politician, and I only threatened to shoot him because he was trying to grab the land that the old age home stood on. Those helpless old people had nowhere to go.”

“So how did that work out for you, Your Highness?”

“You know very well how that worked out,” I muttered mutinously.

“Yes, I do know. Because when that man’s goons threatened to blow up the place with all of you inside,Ihad to go in and negotiate your release. Luckily for you, the man felt he owed me big for saving his son’s life. Otherwise, that incident would have ended in the greatest tragedy in Devgarh since your father’s death,” he said scathingly.

“That’s not fair,” I said quietly.

Aryan sighed and ran a hand over his face tiredly.

“I know, I’m sorry. But I don’t need you coming here and causing trouble, Jessie. I don’t know why Nivy called me to your rescue today. Shouldn’t she have called your fiancé?”

I shifted uncomfortably, not relishing the prospect of having to tell another person that I was no longer engaged to Deep. Besides, how was it possible that he didn’t know? By now, I was sure that even the man on the moon had heard about my broken engagement.

“Maybe you should talk to your sister once in a while. Then you wouldn’t have such a raging case of foot-in-mouth disease,” I sniped.

“What do you mean?”

Ugh! I hated having to admit this to Aryan of all people!

“Deep and I aren’t getting married, okay? And despite what he and his sister claim, I was the one who called it off!”

“Of course, you were,” he said drily.

“Excuse me?”

He shrugged those broad shoulders and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“He’s just lucky you got bored before you married him,” he drawled.

I drew myself up and stared down my nose at him.

“Actually, Dr Clueless, it was the other way round. Deep was the one who tired of me. Luckily he had his piece on the side, just as you predicted on the day of our roka,” I said icily, enjoying the sharp blush that coloured his neck and cheeks.

He remembered that particular conversation as clearly as I did. Served him right, I thought savagely.

“I’m sorry, Jess. I didn’t know,” he began.

“I don’t care, Aryan. I’m just sick of being blamed for everything. I’m sorry you had to rush to my rescue today, and I’m sorry I forced you to bring me here. I’m just going to leave now,” I said and walked out.

I slammed the door to the little cabin so hard that the whole structure wobbled a little. Sister called out to me as I stomped out of the clinic, but it didn’t even slow me down. Thankfully, I’d had time to charge my phone at the clinic, and didn’t need Dr Killjoy’s help in getting back home.

I was so done with this shit. Done with being judged and looked down upon. I mean, all I wanted was a little peace of mind. Was that too much to ask for?

I didn’t tell other people how to live their life. So why did everyone suddenly have an opinion about how I should live mine?

I walked down the lane at a fast clip, but I couldn’t outrun Aryan’s nasty words.

Selfish. Spoilt. Entitled.

While one part of me wanted to go back there and pound the crap out of him for saying such things, another more honest part of me knew that there was some truth to his words.

I’d had such a visceral reaction to Aryan’s growing relationship with Arshia, that I had agreed to marry the first man who asked me. Instead of working my feelings out in a constructive way, I had gone off the deep end - as usual - and planned a huge wedding to a man who had turned out to be a creep. And in doing so, I had exposed my family to Anika’s machinations.