Page 85 of In His Sights

“Stay back.” Dan strove to make his voice menacing, but it was an epic fail. “You keep away from me.”

“Why? What do you think I’m going to do?” Gary teased. “Kiss you?”

“Riley could walk in at any second,” he remonstrated. To his relief, Gary laughed, and Dan sagged. “Christ, you really had me going there.” He sank into one of the chairs. “Actually, I’m glad I have you alone for a second. There’s something I need to ask you.”

“That sounds serious.” Gary cocked his head. “What’s on your mind?”

He took a deep breath. “Look, I know this is fast, but then again, not really when you factor in I’ve been dreaming about you for thirteen years, but—”

“You weren’t making that up?”

He blinked. “Why would I lie about it? That’s the only reason I’m still here. You already know why I avoid relationships, but when it comes to you….” Another inhalation. “I guess what I’m asking is if you want us to be together, once this case is closed.”

Gary walked over to him, taking slow measured steps. He stood over him. “What do your senses tell you?”

He swallowed. “That even if I hadn’t had that vision, we’re meant to be together.”

Gary expelled a breath. “Then it’s not just me.” He bit his lip. “If you only knew how badly I want to hold you right now.” His eyes sparkled. “Take my hand. You’ll know in a heartbeat.”

A lightness suffused him. “You can hold me tonight, okay? For as long as you want.”

“After we’ve been shopping,” Gary added. When Dan gave him an inquiring glance, a flush rose up to stain his cheeks. “Well, you only bought a packet of three condoms, and we used the last one this morning.”

Dan put his shoulders back. “About that. Thereisan alternative.”

“What do you mean?”

He raised his chin and looked Gary in the eye. “We get tested so we both know we’re in tiptop shape. Then we ditch the condoms.” His heart quaked. “Unless….”

“Unless what?”

There was no way around it. “Look, I’m a one-man guy, but you’re new to all this. For all I know, you might want to… explore your options.”But please don’t.

Gary said nothing for a moment; then he took Dan’s hands in his and helped him to his feet. “The only man I’ll be doing any exploring with is you.” He didn’t let go. “Now, am I telling the truth?”

A wave of emotion crashed over Dan, leaving him weak yet exhilarated. “Oh God.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Gary shivered. “What have you done to me, Dan Porter? I’ve had relationships—not long-lasting ones, granted, but I put that down to not meeting the right girl.” Hazel eyes met his. “Not one of those women made me feel the way you do.” He shuddered out a breath. “I look at the length of time we’ve known each other, and I think, this can’t be happening. It can’t be real.”

Dan’s heart thumped. “I know, but—”

“So yes,” Gary interjected. “Let’s get tested.” Dan stilled, and Gary leaned in to kiss him chastely on the lips. “The only man I want is you,” he whispered.

If Gary hadn’t been holding his hands, Dan swore he’d float up to the ceiling, he felt so light. Then he pulled free. “I wouldn’t want Lewis to come back with the coffee and find us.”

“How do we go about getting tested?”

“Leave that part to me.” He swallowed. “And I’m glad it’s going to be just us. I was getting ready to tell you all about Truvada.” He peered at Gary. “Unless you already know what that is.”

“Cory mentioned it once or twice.”

Dan nodded. “It goes by other names too, but only because the full-length version is a mouthful. That’s why we keep it simple and call it PrEP.” He locked gazes with Gary. “I’m not on it, by the way, but so many guys are these days. One pill a day. God bless medical science.” He let out a sigh of relief. “If we’re going to be monogamous, there’s no need for it.”

Thank you, God. As soon as Gary had said Dan was all he wanted, Dan felt as if his heart was singing.

Gary froze, his eyes wide. He walked slowly over to the board.

“What is it?” Dan’s scalp prickled.