Page 69 of In His Sights

That splash of color wasn’t calling Dan, it wastugginghim.

“You wait here. I want a closer look. I’ll only be a second.” Dan left the path and sprinted over to one of the picnic tables. Under a nearby tree, a small rectangular piece of stone had been erected at its base, the size of a book. Someone had rested a bunch of flowers against it. He walked over to them and squatted. Roses, peonies, lilies, and sunflowers were tied with a ribbon, and among the blooms was a white card. Dan read the words printed on it, and his heart ached for the unknown writer.

Brad, we love you. We’ll never forget you. Mom and Dad.

The stone bore a single word and a date: Brad 04.16.95

Tears pricked his eyes, and he resisted the urge to touch the flowers or the stone. He had a feeling that would break him. Dan straightened, turned, and walked slowly back to where Gary stood on the path. As he drew closer, he inclined his head toward the bouquet.

“I think someone must have died here. His parents left flowers.”

Gary’s chin trembled. “That’s awful.” There was a tearful quality to his voice.

All Dan wanted to do was draw Gary close and hold him.He’s as affected by it as I am.But there was no way he could touch Gary.

If he did, there was no telling what he might reveal.

Gary pointed to the parking lot. “Come on. I’ll get you back to the hotel in time for dinner.”

“Will you stay and eat with me?” He wasn’t ready for the day to end, despite the mixed messages Gary was sending.

“To be honest, I’m tired. I think I’ll go home.”

“Will I see you tomorrow?” Dan asked as they reached the car.

“Sightseeing around Boston? Sure.” Gary unlocked the car, and they got in.

Dan stared through the windshield at the dappled shadows cast by the trees. “I have a confession.” When Gary turned to look at him, he sighed. “I wanted you to forget about the case for a while and relax.”I don’t think I’ve accomplished that.Weariness settled on him, and he knew the day had taken its toll.

Gary expelled a long breath. “I’m sorry. I had a lot on my mind, and I couldn’t shut it down.” The engine burst into life, and he backed the car out of the space.

Dan couldn’t shake the idea that whatever occupied Gary’s thoughts, it wasn’t the case, and coming to the park had only made matters worse.

Chapter 25

Monday June 4

GARY GRABBEDhis coat, his stomach churning. Something had lit a fire under the killer’s ass, that was for sure. Three victims in the space of twenty days. Based on the information Riley had provided over the phone, there seemed little doubt the body discovered that morning was the work of their man.

He knew the cause of his upset stomach wasn’t only the latest development.Why should spending a weekend with Dan make me feel guilty?All they’d done the previous day was visit Beacon Hill, the harbor, Back Bay….

A week had passed since Dan first walked into the precinct, a seemingly innocuous yet at the same time cataclysmic event that had rocked Gary’s world to its foundations. Feelings he’d thought long dead had resurfaced, forcing him to acknowledge the truth.

He wanted to be near Dan. To be closer to him.

He’s important to me.

“What’s wrong?” Dan’s voice broke into his thoughts.

He jumped. “Jesus, don’t sneak up on a guy like that.”

Dan arched his eyebrows. “You make me sound like a ninja. Want me to ring a bell as I approach?”

“Works for me. And what’s wrong is Riley called. We’ve got another one. He’s at the scene.”

“Then I’m coming too.”

Gary wasn’t about to argue.