Page 68 of In His Sights

“Yup. They’ve got mallard, wood ducks, black ducks, common mergansers, and pintails. Not to mention swans, egrets, blue heron, and Canada geese.”

The light Gary found so attractive danced in Dan’s eyes. “I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a waterfowl expert.”

He smiled. “My dad used to point out the different varieties every time we came here. I guess it stuck.”

Dan pointed to the silhouettes of buildings along the bank. “What are those?”

“They’re part of the Bright Nights display.” He couldn’t hold back his smile. “It’s a two-mile-long drive through the park that starts in late November and continues through the holidays. They decorate the trees and shrubs to look like Dr. Seuss characters.”

Dan gazed at him for a moment before speaking. “You loved coming here, didn’t you?”

His throat seized, and he unscrewed the cap of his water bottle to take a long drink from it. “I did when I was little. I grew out of it.” His stomach grumbled. “I really need to eat.”

“I saw some benches under a tree near that cute little red bridge. We could eat there. I think there were picnic tables too.”

Oh God.

“Gary? Is there something wrong?”

“You know what? I’m hungry enough to squat here and eat.” He gestured to the water. “The view is awesome.”

Dan chuckled. “Okay. Just be prepared to have lots of beady eyes focused on you while you eat.”

Gary didn’t care if he got his fingers nipped off by ravenous ducks.

Anythingwas better than going near that spot.

WHY WON’Tyou tell me what’s wrong?

Because it was clear to Dan that something was bothering Gary. He’d seemed on edge most of the day, although a stroll through the zoo had lightened his mood a little.

Dan didn’t understand. Gary had clearly loved the park as a child, but the waves of unease that rolled off him as they walked disturbed Dan’s senses.

Maybe it was time to go back to Boston.

“Thank you for bringing me here, but I think I’ve seen enough.”

Gary’s quiet exhale and the momentary closure of his eyes spoke volumes. “Okay. I hope you enjoyed your visit.”

“I did.”I’d have enjoyed it better ifyouhad, though.Dan couldn’t get over the feeling that he was right on the edge of an important discovery, something that would open Gary up to him, revealing….

That’s just it. Revealing what?

There were times Dan hated his fucking gift with a passion.

“Best part?” Gary inquired as they strolled along the path through the water gardens that led to the parking lot.

He forced a smile. “The purring cougars in the zoo. And the timber wolves, Orion and Aurora. The covered bridges were so pretty. I could spend all day here.” Dan pointed to where the creek meandered through the trees, a small reddish-brown footbridge spanning its width. “So peaceful.” On the other side of the creek were two faded wooden picnic tables set down in the lush green grass beneath the spreading trees. Then he spotted a splash of color. “What’s that?” He squinted.

“It’s nothing.” Gary shivered.

“Something wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Dan regarded him. “Maybe someone walked over your grave. Mom used to say that a lot.”

“We should go this way,” Gary said, pointing to where the path diverted.