Page 37 of In His Sights

He nodded. “I couldn’t look at him the same after that.” His heart slipped into overdrive.Why did I do that?The use of a male pronoun had been deliberate, and he had no clue what had prompted the impulse. Why should it matter to a straight man that I’m gay?

Except he was lying to himself. His attraction to Gary lay at the root of it.

Gary wiped his brow. “I think they’ve just turned the heat up in here.” He shrugged out of his sport coat, and Dan drank in the sight of the white shirt that clung to his body, the short sleeves tight around his biceps, the creamy skin of his inner forearm, the—

Oh sweet Jesus.

On Gary’s left arm, two words were etched in black.Never Forget.

It was him.

Holy fuck,it was him.


His hands shook, and he hid them out of sight below the table, unable to tear his gaze away from Gary’s tattoo.

And Gary noticed. He covered up the words with his right hand.

Dan did his damnedest to inject a note of calm into his voice. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I know I said I wouldn’t ask questions, and it feels as if that’s all I done this evening, but I do have one last question. Do your visions always come true?”

Oh dear Lord.

“When I can make sense of them? Yes. Sometimes trying to work out what a vision is telling me is the hardest part. It doesn’t always happen.”

Those were the visions that haunted him. Was there something he could have done, some truth he could have grasped but failed to because the message proved too ambiguous?

There was nothing ambiguous about the vision that had visited him time and time again, though. Here at last was his unseen lover.

And he’s straight.

Dan had to get out of there, back to the safety of his hotel room. He needed quiet to think things through. Because none of it made sense.

Chapter 14

GARY PULLEDinto the drop-off lane in front of the Fairmont. “If the coffee in your room isn’t up to much, I can recommend Jaho Coffee Roaster on Huntington. It’s only a couple of streets from here. They close at ten.” Traffic roared past: Copley Square was still wide-awake and buzzing.

Dan laughed, but there was a forced quality to it. “If you want to find a good coffee shop, ask a cop.”

That made Gary smile. “Sure. But don’t ask me to recommend a donut shop. I don’t eat them.” He glanced at Dan’s figure. “Not that you look like a guy who eats donuts.” Dan arched his eyebrows, and Gary backpedaled. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t make personal comments.”And I have no idea why I said that.

Or why he kept looking at Dan every chance he got.

“Hey, don’t ruin the compliment with an apology.”

Gary noted his relaxed tone with relief. “Are you feeling better?”

Dan blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I got the impression back in the restaurant that something was troubling you. For a moment there, you were… I don’t know… I’d say distracted, but it was more than that. You looked like you’d had a shock.” Gary had analyzed their conversation, but he couldn’t account for the change in atmosphere. The moment had passed, but Dan hadn’t slipped back into his earlier, lighter mood.

“I’m sorry about that. I… I remembered something important I had to do. I’ve calmed down since.” His smile wasn’t wide enough to create dimples, but he seemed more content than he had been. “Thanks for a great evening. I really didn’t want to eat alone tonight.”

“Actually, I should be thanking you.”

“For what?”