Page 38 of In His Sights

Gary’s stomach clenched. “I was certain you were going to ask questions about Cory.”

Dan’s eyes were kind. “No. You didn’t need that, not after today.”

Gary’s face grew warm, but it was a comfortable warmth. When Dan made no move to get out of the car, he blurted, “You said I’d agreed to your involvement because of Cory, but… I thinkyouagreed to it because of the victims.”

Dan twisted in his seat to look Gary in the eye. “Because they were all gay men? Like me?” He shrugged. “You could be right.” Before Gary could respond, Dan scowled. “No. You’ve been honest with me—the least I can do is be as honest with you. When I got the call about the case, I’d already been watching the news. I’d had no insights, no visions, but I wanted to help. Seeing homophobia in everyday life is bad enough, but to have some maniac out there picking off gay men?” He swallowed. “He has to be stopped. And I’ll do everything I can to help you stop him.”

“Thank you.” Gary glanced at the hotel’s facade, with its flags, its red awnings, and the yellow lights that shone upward from the third floor, bathing the stonework in warmth. “I’ve never stayed here.”

Dan unfastened his seat belt. “The beds are supremely comfortable.” He gazed at Gary. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m going to aim for a good night’s sleep. I suggest you do the same—if you can. Try to switch your brain off.”

Gary’s chest tightened. “Easier said than done.” He extended his hand toward Dan, but pulled it back at the last minute. He tensed as Dan held out his.

“It’s okay, really.”

Gary took it. Dan enveloped his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Their gazes met, and Dan stilled, hardly breathing.

Gary shivered. It was as if all the tension had seeped from his body. The constriction around his chest loosened, and warmth tingled through him.

Dan’s eyes widened, his breathing ragged, and Gary knew he wasn’t alone.He feels it too.Then he let go, and the sensations were gone. Gary’s heartbeat quickened.

What just happened?

“Till tomorrow.” Dan got out of the car and hurried up to the main door without a backward glance.

Gary didn’t know what to make of it. His physical reactions to Dan’s touch had been pleasurable. But Dan….He couldn’t get out of the car fast enough.

Gary pulled away from the curb. One thing was certain—he wasn’t going to mention it the following day. It would be a distraction, one they could both do without.

What stuck in his mind as he headed home was how good Dan’s hand had felt curled around his.

DAN AIMEDthe remote at the wide-screen TV, flicking through the channels. Nothing registered. His mind was on Gary, his vision—and that tattoo.

Why torture me with a vision that can’t come true?

Except it was no longer just the vision. The evening had proved one thing—keeping his thoughts steady around Gary was going to be a real chore.

Keeping his thoughts to himself might prove an even bigger one.

Dan stroked his chin, and a tremor slid down his spine. He could smell Gary’s scent on his fingers, only a faint trace but enough to stir his senses. Opening himself up to physical contact was always a gamble; he avoided shaking hands wherever he could. Thankfully he wasn’t alone. Lots of people didn’t like to “press the flesh,” as his grandfather had called it, and generally no one commented on it. Dan made sure his courteous manner assured the greeter that no slight had been intended.

Butoh my God, when their hands joined….

He could still recall each sensation and reaction: the ache in his chest, warmth spreading out from his groin, the fluttering in his stomach, and the hammering of his heart. His pulse quickened, and he’d longed for more sensation, more of thatconnection. Because he knew with every fiber of his being that Gary had felt something too.

When they broke contact, it was as if someone had turned out the light.

His heartbeat hadn’t slowed by the time he’d gotten out of the car. He’d hurried into the hotel, not wanting Gary to see him tremble.

Jesus. All we did was shake hands.

He switched off the TV and climbed into the wide bed, more than ready to leave the day behind. And for once he wished for the vision.

Will it have changed? Will I see him?

Lord, he was a mess.

Did someone up there think it funny to fixate me on a straight guy?