Page 75 of In His Sights

Dan closed his eyes, overwhelmed for a second or two by the memory of strong emotion. “Cory.” When he opened them, Gary’s eyes were huge.

“How did you—what did you feel when I gave you Cory’s ring? Was it more than you said at the time?”

“I’ve been waiting for that question. What surprises me is that you didn’t ask it at the time. I did wonder why. And to answer your question, no, I didn’t feel anything other than the strong connection the two of you shared.” He stilled. “You loved him.”

Gary’s mouth opened and closed, but no words fell from his lips. He got up from the couch and walked over to the window, pressed his palm to the glass. “He was my first crush. Except… I think I always knew it was more than that. He didn’t feel the same way about me.”

Dan rose and went to him. He stood behind Gary, aching to touch him, hold him. “He loved you, though. Like a brother.”Christ, the smell of him….

Gary didn’t turn his head, but nodded. “I know. And that’s how I came to feel about him. I told myself it was only a phase. I dated girls. I was perfectly happy dating girls. I never looked at a guy the way I looked at him. Until you.”

They were close enough that Dan felt heat radiating from Gary’s body. His heart thumped, his pulse raced, his breathing was shallow. “Look, you don’t have to say these things. Just because I had a vision doesn’t mean we have to—”

“Oh for God’s sake.” Gary spun around, grabbed Dan by the shoulders, and flipped them, shoving him against the cool glass. “Stop talking and kiss me.”

Then his lips met Dan’s in a searing kiss that exploded Dan’s senses. His hands were on Gary’s neck, then his broad shoulders, stroking, caressing, exploring. Gary moaned into the kiss, and the sound reverberated through Dan, beating a path to his dick.

Christ, is this real?

Dan gasped, pushing him away. “Wait—”

Gary halted, shaking. “Do you really want me to stop?”

“I want you to slow down.” Dan cupped his cheek. “Breathe, sweetheart.” A tumult of emotions was at war within him. “I want you too, but you have to be sure about this.”

“So sure you wouldn’t believe.” Gary swallowed. “You have no idea what I’ve gone through this past week. Every time we were together, I couldn’t think straight. All I wanted to do was hold you. Be close to you. Touch you.” Another swallow. “I tried to ignore my feelings, but the more I did, the worse it got, until I thought I was about to explode.”

“Then you’re not saying all this because of my vision?”

Gary smiled, and the light in his eyes sent Dan’s heart soaring. “Touch me again.” When Dan frowned, he gently brought Dan’s hands to his face. “Touch me.Connectwith me, if you can. I want you to tell me what you feel.”

Dan breathed deeply, Gary’s face warm against his palms, his beard soft, and opened himself up. “Oh my God.” Warmth surrounded him. He trembled as wave after wave of emotion surged over him until he was swimming in an ocean of desire, arousal, need—all focused onhim. And through it all, he was aware of Gary, the light in him, the gentleness.

“Am I speaking the truth?” Gary demanded.

“Yes,” Dan whispered.

“Do you want this as much as I do?”

“God yes.” The words were almost a sob. Then soft lips met his, Gary’s beard grazed his skin, and they were in each other’s arms.

Where they belonged.

He couldn’t stop touching Gary. He wanted to learn every line of him, from the curve of his pecs to the curve of his ass. Gary seemed intent on a similar mission, and when his fingers strayed to Dan’s crotch, Dan didn’t hesitate. He covered Gary’s hand with his own, molding it around his erection, loving the groan that fell from Gary’s lips.

“Can I?”

Dan swallowed. “You don’t have to ask.” Then his breath caught as Gary unfastened his pants, lowered the zipper, and stroked Dan’s length through the soft cotton layer of his briefs. “As long as I can do the same.”

Gary froze for a second; then they fumbled with buttons and zippers until clothing was discarded and they stood facing each other, both of them trembling. Dan stroked Gary’s firm chest, trailing his fingers lower until at last he curled them around Gary’s thickening flesh, the skin warm and smooth beneath his fingertips. He glanced down at it and licked his lips.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” Gary groaned.

That was all the invitation Dan needed. He sank to his knees and took Gary into his mouth. Gary’s soft cry sent the blood rushing south, and he began to worship with lips and tongue, one hand holding Gary steady, the other stroking Gary’s warm, furry body. Gary laid his hands on Dan’s head, cradling it as he rocked his hips, a gentle motion at first that gathered speed until he pulled free.

“I don’t think my legs will hold me up a second longer.”

Dan got to his feet, took him by the hand, and led him to the bed. He gave a gentle push, and Gary fell backward onto it, his erection rising into the air. Dan climbed onto the bed, straddled Gary’s head, and twisted to gaze at him over his shoulder.