Page 74 of In His Sights

“No, but don’t stop, not now you’ve started.”

Dan sucked in a deep breath. “For many years now, I’ve had a recurring vision. It never deviated, not once—until the other night.”

“Was that the dream you were telling me about? The one that woke you?”

Dan nodded. “I need to tell you about the original vision. In it, I was….” He shivered. “I was on all fours on a bed, and someone was fucking me. I never saw their face because they were behind me, but I knew it was the same man every time.”

“How could you know that?”

Dan lowered his gaze. “There was a… scent that never changed. And the man had a tattoo on his inner left arm.”

Tumblers clicked into place. “Describe the tattoo.” Gary’s voice cracked.

It seemed as if time froze, awaiting Dan’s response. “It was only two words. Never Forget.”

Oh dear God in heaven.

Before he could manage to speak, Dan plowed ahead. “Fucking makes it sound so… coarse, but it wasn’t like that. You—he—was gentle too, holding me as if I were something precious and fragile. That scent of patchouli and cedar permeated the vision. And then that first day, in the case room, when I smelled it on you….” He swallowed. “I told myself it was a coincidence. I would’ve gone right on believing that but for two things.”

“You saw my tattoo in the restaurant,” Gary murmured. “When I removed my coat. I remember. And I thought you were going to ask what it meant, so I covered it with my hand.”

Dan locked gazes with him. “Do you also recall what you asked me right after that moment? You asked if my visions always came true.” Gary opened his mouth to speak, but Dan wasn’t done. “Look… I know you’re not into guys, so please, don’t say a word. I don’t want you to feel under—”

“You said you’d have gone on believing it was a coincidence but for two things. You saw my tattoo. So what was the second thing?”

Dan didn’t break eye contact. “It was… the way you made me feel.”

“Explain.” Christ, his heart was pounding.

“Iwantedit to be you, okay? Because you were perfect for me.” His words rang out in the quiet room.

Gary’s world stopped turning.

“But what I want doesn’t matter,” Dan protested. “Go back to your question about my visions.Thisone… this vision I’ve had for more years than you’d probably believe… this is a first, because it can’t come true.”

Years? Holy fuck.

Then it hit him. He accepted Dan’s vision. Had heeven for a momentconsidered it preposterous that Dan should have such a vision?

No, not for a second. Because every sense he possessed wasscreamingat him that he wanted to be that man.

His future teetered on a precipice. Dan was right—this changed everything.

Gary took a deep breath. “And what if itcouldcome true?”

Chapter 27

DAN COULDN’Tbreathe. Couldn’t move. Because this was one dream he didnotwant to wake up from. Gary hadn’t moved either, his gaze locked on Dan’s face.

One of them had to break first.

“What are you saying?” Dan’s voice was rough to his own ears.

Gary raised his chin higher. “I’m saying… you walked into my life and turned it upside down, inside out, back to front….”

“But… you’re not gay.”

Gary maintained eye contact. “No, I’m not. So imagine how it feels—for the second time in my life—to find myself attracted to another man.”