Page 57 of In His Sights

Thursday, May 31

DAN REACHEDfor his phone and peered at the screen. Seven thirty. His head still felt a little bruised, the way it usually did after a migraine and a bad night’s sleep, but at least the pain had gone.

He sat up in bed. Coffee was probably the last thing he should be drinking right then, but he needed a jolt of caffeine. He deliberated calling room service for a pot but changed his mind. Going down to the hotel restaurant would force him to get showered and dressed, and by the time he got his first sip, he’d feel more human.

He hovered by the desk at the entrance to the restaurant until a server showed him to a table. Most of the diners had departed, leaving a few people here and there. A glance at the breakfast menu had him deliberating between a salmon tartine and a classic Benedict, but in the end he chose neither and decided on eggs, potato hash, and chicken sausage. The nausea from the migraine had passed, thank God.

His server approached the table, a pot of coffee in her hand, and he smiled. “If you only knew how much I need this.”

She stared at him, her blue eyes wide. “Oh my God. You’re him, aren’t you? The psychic who’s helping the police catch that killer.” She placed the pot on the white tablecloth. “And to think, only the other day, I was telling my mom it had been ages since I’d seen someone famous in here.”

For a moment he was too startled to respond, his heart pounding.What the hell?He took a deep breath, hoping to induce calm.

“Well, I hope you catch him,” she said in a decisive tone. “My uncle’s gay. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.”

Dan found his voice. “How do you know about me?”

She beamed. “I saw it on my phone this morning when I was coming into work. And when I saw you here, Iknewit was you right away.” She gazed expectantly at him. “What can I get for you?”

Dan had suddenly lost his appetite. “Just the coffee for now.” As soon as she walked away from his table, he got out his phone and typed inpsychic Boston policeserial killer. His heart plummeted. There it was, in bold headlines, along with a photo of him.

Then he looked again at the photo’s background.Holy fuck. That’s the police precinct.He went back to his search and found variations of the headline on three more news sites.

His hand shook as he scrolled through his contacts. When the call connected, he fired first. “I thought we had an agreement.” His voice cracked.

“I know. I saw it too.” Gary sounded pissed. “I was going to call you.”

“Want to tell me how I ended up being today’s news?”And who took a photo of me in your precinct?His stomach roiled.

“It’s not only the news. It’s on social media. You’re all over Twitter, Facebook….”

He swallowed. “Then I need to quit now.” He was done. There was no way he was going through this again.

“But….” Gary fell silent.

Dan realized he couldn’t leave it like that. He cleared his throat. “Can you get over here? We have to talk.”

“Can’t we talk here?”

“Are you kidding me?” He clammed up when the remaining guests jerked their heads in his direction. Dan gave them an apologetic glance, then whispered, “I am coming nowhere near that precinct until we’ve talked. Or did you miss the photo of me? I want whoever took it and leaked this to the media strung up by their—whatever.”

“I didn’t miss it. Travers is beyond pissed. So am I.” He paused. “Okay, I’ll come to you.”

“And once we’ve had that conversation, I’m going to get in my car and head home to New Hampshire.”

There was a pause. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” He disconnected.

Dan turned off his phone and placed it on the table.

I need to tell him the truth. Before I leave.

Chapter 21

GARY GAVEDan an apologetic glance when he opened the door to his room. “Sorry about this.” He held up the paper bag. “I couldn’t face breakfast this morning, once I saw what had happened, but now I’m starving.” He was momentarily distracted by the sight of Dan in a fluffy hotel robe that hugged his slim body.

Dan gave him a weary smile. “Great minds and all that. I just ordered food for myself. Something ruined my appetite earlier.” He stepped aside to let Gary enter. “And my apologies for my state of undress.” He headed for the couch, where a tray sat on the table, containing a pot of coffee, two cups, and covered plates.

Gary was about to say Dan’s state of dress was fine when he realized he was staring at Dan’s ass, the way the robe clung to it, the way it moved as he walked.