Page 56 of In His Sights

Gary held up a brown paper sack. “I’ve got his personal effects here. How about before I return this to him, we go to the case room and you see what you can learn from them?”

Dan nodded. “Sure.”

Another glance at Lewis revealed an impassive expression, and Gary heaved an internal sigh of relief.Finally. He wasn’t sorry to see the back of Lewis’s animosity.

When they got into the small room, Dan sat, his fingers pressed to his temples.

“Is everything all right?” Gary inquired.

“Just a headache. It’ll pass.” Dan held his hand out for the sack. He reached into it and removed Silver’s wallet. He didn’t open it, but after placing the sack on the floor, he held the wallet with both hands, his eyes closed.

Lewis watched from the doorway, arms folded, his gaze focused on Dan. “We can’t take too long over this,” he said quietly. “Silver’s waiting. Let’s not give him any grounds for a complaint.”

Gary narrowed his gaze. “Then let Dan work. Give him some quiet.”

After a minute or two, Dan opened his eyes and shuddered. “This guy has a temper.”

“Tell us something we don’t know,” Lewis muttered. When Gary aimed a hard stare at him, Lewis fired one right back at him. “Well, we do, don’t we?”

“Showing his photo to any witnesses might bring results.” Dan dropped the wallet back into the sack and handed it to Gary. “I don’t like the way he makes me feel.” He winced, then cupped his head.

“Is your headache getting worse? Do you want some Tylenol?”

Dan shook his head carefully. “Migraine coming, I think. I get them now and then.” He gestured to the sack. “This is one nervous dude. Almost bordering on fear.” Another wince.

It was something. Maybe Silver wasn’t as innocent as he claimed. “We’ve told him not to leave Boston.”

Riley entered the room, holding an envelope. “I’ve had copies done of the photo we took of Silver. I’m gonna revisit the crime scenes, see if anyone recognizes him. Then I’ll interview his coworkers, his neighbors….” He glanced at Dan. “Hey, are you okay? You look awful.”

Dan got to his feet. “I think I’ll go to my hotel and lie down. Hopefully this won’t hang around too long.” His eyes were squeezed into slits, his face pale.

“Want me to arrange a ride for you?” Gary asked. Riley was right, he did look as if he was in a bad way.

“No. Believe it or not, concentrating on driving will actually dim the pain a little.” He met Gary’s gaze and attempted a smile. “Hey, don’t look so worried. I’m not about to crash. I’ve driven in far worse states than this.”

“Why don’t we call it a day?” Lewis said. “For you, at least. Don’t feel you need to hurry back.”

Gary stared at Lewis, then looked away, unsure whether to be surprised or shocked by Lewis’s solicitous tone. “Lewis is right,” he said at last. “Take the rest of the day off, and we’ll see you tomorrow. Who knows, we might have some news by then.”

“But I haven’t told you yet about the visits to the crime scenes with Riley.”

“You toldme, didn’t you?” Riley’s eyes were kind. “So I’ll tell them.”

“Okay.” The pain had to have been bad, judging by the way Dan was squinting at them. “Till tomorrow.” He left the room.

“Poor guy,” Riley murmured. “My grandmother used to get terrible migraines after a séance. Maybe it’s something to do with being psychic.” He held up the envelope. “I’ll get right on this.” Then he too was out of there.

Lewis unfolded his arms and wandered over to the board to gaze at the photos. “You wait and see. It’s not psychic ability that’ll nail this guy—just good old-fashioned policing. Like you said.” He looked at Gary over his shoulder. “And you know I’m right.”

I’m not as sure asyouare that Dan can’t help us.

Gary’s stomach churned. He knew it was wrong, but the thought of Dan not being there for the rest of the day sent relief surging through him, alleviating tension he hadn’t even been aware of. He recognized the root of that tension, however.

Being around Dan was starting to feel like a constant battle to hide his emotions—and his attraction to him.

An attraction he could no longer deny.

Chapter 20