Page 36 of Thunder

“Might work.”

“It will. We’ll have people moving around, coming and going. Two days is all you get, then you’re home, with or without the key.”

“Let’s hope we find this thing,” I huff, raking a hand through my hair.

“Either way, it won’t matter. Reno’s thinking this isn’t about money. He’s been feeling out Raffaele, the big don ofUltimo Morte, and this guy, Raffaele, is a fucking beast. He’s riled about something, but money doesn’t seem to be his issue. This guy is all about loyalty.”

“Can’t we tell him about Aldo’s visit?” I want this done and now.

“Reno’s truce with this guy is new. He’s feeling Raffaele out, and he’s digging into this Aldo character in ways we can’t. Hold tight, and by the time you’re back, we’ll decide how to move on this,” Guard finishes.

* * *

Ashort time later, we’re moving across the fenced backyard and out through an opening created by War, while Demon and Sofia are making themselves at home at Rose’s place. Both War and I are on our guard, ensuring we aren’t being followed to the airstrip.

As promised, a plane is waiting, and to my surprise, Sebastian is waiting for us. Sebastian is Reno’s other brother. He and Dante are twins and look almost identical. He escorts us onto the plane and waits for us to settle into our seats.

“Good to see you, Thunder. It’s been a while. Sorry it had to be under these circumstances,” Sebastian says.

“We’re getting the royal treatment if you’re here,” I jest.

“Yeah, well, they sent the best-looking bro,” he quips. Sebastian has always been the more carefree jokester of the three brothers. He’s also the most hotheaded, but he’s just as ruthless as his siblings. Dante is known for his quiet, lethal nature and IT ingenuity. Reno is a man with vision. He’s a strong leader and more dangerous than you can imagine.

It’s fortunate for us that the bond between these men and Risk goes so deep that they would do anything for him. Risk took Dante and Sebastian in when Reno wasn’t even aware of their existence. Risk raised them, looked after them, and found their brother, reuniting their family. For that alone, they will be eternally grateful.

That’s not to say that Satan’s Pride hasn’t helped them out on an occasion or two. We’ve stepped in whenever asked, with the understanding that we never fall into their family business and they don’t fall into the MC world.

“This is Rose.” I turn to her. “This is Sebastian.”

Sebastian extends a hand. “Good to meet you.”

“Likewise. Thanks for doing this,” she says quietly.

“Reno and Dante have filled me in. The plan is to get you in and out of Nebraska without anyone knowing. This guy Hawk will be waiting for you. I’ll be back in forty-eight hours to come get you,” he says.

“Appreciated. Let’s hope we have better luck in Nebraska,” I say.

“Reno and Dante are doing their thing. Trust, brother,” Sebastian states with conviction. Glancing back to Rosie, he continues, “You don’t know me yet, but suffice to say, you have the Pride and now you’ve gotNostra Casabehind you as well.”

“Thank you, Sebastian. I just wanted this to be finished, and I don’t want these people anywhere near my parents,” Rosie says sadly.

“Ain’t gonna happen, babe,” I tell her.

The pilot comes out and tells us he’s ready for takeoff. Sebastian takes his place opposite Rose and me. I’m glad Rosie falls asleep so that Sebastian and I can go over what we know about Aldo Capaldi and what more they’ve discovered.

“Aldo is an underboss forUltimo Morte, with the smallest territory and the biggest ego. He’s had run-ins with the local gangs and started more wars than is necessary. At first, he and Raffaele got along, but lately, if rumors are true, not so much.” Sebastian lifts his shoulders and throws out a hand. “But he has the position, and unless he does something extremely stupid, it’s his to keep. Doesn’t make sense that he’s wasting time and manpower over a freaking gold key. There’s more to it. We just haven’t figured out what.”

“He killed a woman for this key. He killed Harvey, her pimp, for this same key. It’s got to mean something,” I tell him, glancing over to check that Rose is still asleep. “Best-case scenario, we find this thing and give it back and we never hear from him again.”

“Sure. But now he knows that you know it exists and that makes you a witness,” Sebastian says.

“Aldo talked about this shit to the entire Satan’s Pride clan. So what’s he gonna do? Target us all?”

“Not if Reno has anything to say about it. We’ve got your back. I think the important thing to find out is why he wants it back so bad.”

“Guard thinks he stole it and whoever he took it from is on the hunt.”

Sebastian raises an eyebrow. “Interesting.” A sly smirk crosses his face. “Maybe we can poke the bear a little and see what happens.”