Page 37 of Thunder

Now it’s my turn to look confused.

“Raffaele has a tie withLa Famiglia. We’re all allies at the moment. Perhaps they had thoughts on how to bring up the topic.”

“Don’t put yourselves in danger,” I tell him. Granted there’s a pact between our brotherhoods, but that’s not something I want strained.

“We’re already in it. The minute he threated a Satan’s Pride,Nostra Casawas involved,” he insists. “You know what Risk is to us. And we know what he means to Satan’s Pride. As much as we want to separate ourselves, we’re forever indebted to Risk.”

Rose stirs beside me. I give Sebastian the sign that the conversation is over, at least for now. The rest of the flight is uneventful, and we finally land on a remote airstrip, where Hawk waits with a Ford Explorer and a half dozen of his men.

After a quick goodbye to Sebastian, we’re moved from one mode of transportation to another. Hawk takes the wheel while I get in the passenger side, with Rose riding in back.

“It’s been a while,” Hawk says with a grin.

“Too long, man.” I clamp a hand on his shoulder. “How’ve you been?”

“Living the dream. The club is growing. Got a couple of new prospects on board. The shop is making great money, the building rentals are doing great. Haven’t got any complaints,” he says. He looks in the rearview mirror, “I’m glad to meet ya, Rose.”

“Likewise,” she responds.

“We’ve been keeping close watch on your parents. Nothing out of the ordinary, except your mother sure has a thing for gardening,” he kids.

“I’m a florist,” she tells him.

Hawk lets out a roar of laughter. “A biker and a florist?” He shakes his head. “It figures. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” he says. “You look a lot like your mom.”

“That’s what they say.” She beams. “According to Dad, I have her determination.”

“That’s another word for sass,” Hawk says.

“You hitting on my woman, brother?” I give him a look, all in fun, though. Hawk’s a decent guy. And he’s very popular with the ladies. Women would fawn over him, literally hang off him in hopes he’d take them home for the night. Yeah, he’s that good-looking.

“Never. I know the bro code. Especially with you. We miss you out here. Sure you don’t want to come back? We could use you.” he says.

I laugh. “Laying it on a little thick.”

He looks back at Rosie. “I can see why you won’t leave. If I had a girl as pretty as that, I’d stick to her like glue too.” Rose has a tinge of pink on her cheeks. “Shit! She blushes too.” He’s quiet for a minute, then asks, “How are you going to play this, anyway? Are you just going to knock on the door and say, ‘Hey. We’re home.’”

“That’s the plan. I don’t think they’ll toss us out,” I say.

“I’m safe,” Rose says with a smile.

“See?” Hawk says. “Sass.” He continues. “Got two men on the place day and night. If they see anything suspicious, I get a call immediately. The entire club rides out. It’ll be easier on us if you can stay out of sight, but if you have to go out, give me a heads-up. You’ve got my number.”

“The plan is to find this fucking key and head back,” I tell him.

“I’ll just tell Mom that I miss her cooking and we can be sure that we won’t be going out,” Rose says. Her mother loves her kitchen and feeding her family. She was always a fantastic cook.

“We’re almost there. Do you want to let us out?” Rose asks.

“Sorry. Guard’s orders. Right to the door,” Hawk says.

“Not a problem. Erik and Penny know I run with the club. We’ll tell them that the brothers wanted to help out in surprising them with our visit.”

Rosie nearly jumps out of the car before the car comes to a full stop. I let out a warning growl, and she stops.

“Oops!” she cries.

“Rosie, wait for me to come to your door. We agreed that you stick by my side,” I remind her.