“Well,” I hook my purse over my shoulder. “Matias isn’t here, is he?” I need out of this house, where I’m starting to feel a little suffocated and controlled. I’m only the nanny. No one runs my life. Matias only runs my employment.
Closing the door behind me, I take a deep breath, staring out into the beautiful gardens. I’m lucky to be here but I won’t sacrifice who I am for a beautiful home.
I hold onto the rail as I walk down the steps, heading to my car, parked to the left—another thing Matias is trying to win me over with. He got rid of my other car and I haven’t forgotten. I appreciate what he was trying to do, but it’s as if my own abilities and decisions are being taken from my hands. I need to regain some control.
Getting into the brand-new car, the ride to downtown doesn’t take long. The streets are busy with people. Even over the music I have playing, I hear the crowd's roar of laughter and drunken foolishness.
I park on the side of the road, lock the doors, and toss my keys in my purse.
Walking to the nearest line to a club, I hold my head high with confidence, and the bouncer snags my wrist to stop me.
“Hey Beautiful. You don’t have to go to the back of the line.” He grins, unclipping the rope. “There’s always room for you.”
I blush, grinning at him while tossing my hair over my shoulder. “Thank you so much.”
“Save a dance for me, gorgeous. I have a break in fifteen minutes.”
“Only if you can find me,” I flirt back, my stomach twisting with guilt, but I’m reminded of the silence on my phone from Matias.
“Oh, I’ll find you.” He bites his lip and looks me up and down. “That won’t be a problem.”
I step into the club and the music pulses, the bass so loud, I can feel it vibrate my entire body. The lights flash in the darkness and bodies move together likes waves in the ocean. The first place I go to is the bar, needing a drink to calm my nerves and guilt.
If it feels wrong, then it is wrong.
But why do I feel that way? We aren’t in a relationship. He fucks me when he wants and leaves me when he wants, then has me guessing. I knew from the beginning that this would be a disastrous ending, and I still let myself get swept off my feet.
“What can I get you?” the bartender shouts over the bar.
“Two tequila shots and a margarita with extra pour, if you know what I mean.”
“Rough day?” he begins to prepare my drinks.
“The roughest,” I say, but I know he can’t hear me. When he sets down the drinks in front of me, I toss them back immediately. The tequila burns and causes my eyes to water. My stomach warms and I have to focus on not puking, because that wasdisgusting.
I chase the alcohol down with more alcohol but decide to sip my margarita.
I’m not sure how long I sit there, watching people dance, but I’m two margaritas in and I’m feeling buzzed.
My purse vibrates, and I check my phone to see Matias’s name flash with a text message.
Matias: “Where the fuck are you?”
Me: “Why do you care?”
Matias: “Sophie, do not fuck with me. Where are you?”
Me: “I’m out having a great time. I’m allowed to do that.”
Matias: “Not without me.”
Me: “Well, you aren’t here, are you? You’ve made sure to leave me out of the picture. I need to go.”
Matias: “Don’t even think about dancing with another man. I’ll find them and I’ll kill them, Sophie. Your body is mine.”
Me: “Is it? Then why aren’t you here?”
I turn my phone off, feeling a bit brazen and cocky because of the alcohol. I might be out at a club, but I won’t dance with anyone. I won’t feel right doing that, but I am here to make him jealous. It’s more of a statement, really.