I’m my own woman. I run my own life. I control what I do.
And no one can tell me I can’t.
With a buzz of alcohol fogging my mind, the bartender slides me another shot just as I stand from the barstool.
“On the house,” he shouts, giving me the once over.
Grinning, I shoot it back, knowing I probably shouldn’t.
I sway a bit, the tequila getting to me sooner than anticipated. The song changes to a slow and erotic track, but the beat is still too fast to slow dance. I shut my eyes, losing myself in the music. I sway my hips, my entire body numbing from the alcohol. I run my fingers through my hair, lifting it from my back. A sheen of sweat heats my skin from the dancing. The people around exude a feverish warmth as well.
While I’m dancing, no one touches me.
I’m happy about that and it makes tonight easier, but at the same time, how are no guys touching me? Do they know I’m with Matias?
When the song ends, I decide to break and use the bathroom. Pushing through the crowd, I squeeze my eyes shut, stumbling. It’s been too long since I drank. It is hitting me too hard. I’m going to feel so sick tomorrow.
I push open the bathroom door, keep my head down, and dip into a stall.
“Did you see her tonight?” A girl’s voice echoes in the bathroom.
“Yes. I can’t believe Matias is with her. She isn’t his type. He must be desperate.”
My heart sinks as I hear them talk about me. That answers that question. Everyone must know we are together because of the gala.
“She’s pretty, but she isn’t me.”
They both laugh at that. My eyes burn with tears as I hear them speak the fears I think of every day.
“He must feel sorry for her. I mean, she is here by herself. How pathetic is that?”
I cross my arms over my chest and sag against the stall door.
“Who comes to a club by themselves? Poor thing probably doesn’t have any friends,” she says, her nasal voice ringing too many truths.
I don’t have any friends. My one friend fucked my boyfriend. I don’t even have her now.
“We should befriend her and use her to get close to Matias. There is no way he’d turn us down,” the second girl states just as they open the door. Their laughs get lost in the loud music, slipping inside the restroom.
The music fades, telling me the door is shut, and I bite my lip to hold in my emotions. I won’t cry. I won’t.
But the more I try, the more I fail.
Tears spill down my cheeks. I see the outfit I’m wearing, feeling like a damn fool.
What am I doing here?
Wiping my face, I run out of the bathroom, pushing through people.
When I get outside, the bouncer is there, and he smiles at me.
“Where are you going? You just got here. I’m about to head inside. I’d love to buy you a drink.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I need to go,” I say, walking away as fast as I can.
My heels are loud, scratching against the sidewalk. My stomach rolls and I hold myself up against the nearest building to take a break. I hold my hand against my head as it swims.
I shouldn’t have gone out.