I punch him again, then dig my finger into his wound to hear him scream. “I will bring you so much fucking pain, every day of your life, if you don’t listen to me. I will enjoy taking away your will, your pain, your freedoms. I will enjoy making your life hell until I kill you. Stay away from her, understand?”
“I understand!” he yells, his face red from the pain.
I straighten. “Good.” For good measure, I shoot him in his leg and the pain causes him to fall over.
“What the fuck?”
“Because I felt like it. Neither wound will kill you.” I tuck the gun in the holster and walk away, wishing I could kill him. I’ll do anything Sophie wants, so if she doesn’t want me to kill him, I won’t.
It doesn’t mean it takes away the urge to.
When I’m outside, I hurry out of the apartment to see Gianni and Sophie near the SUV. I let the bravado fall and my concern is evident. I lift her chin with my finger, brush my other hand down the redness on her neck, and tighten my jaw.
“Are you okay? What did he do to you? Are you hurt?” I lightly pat her arms, then bend down, checking her legs.
“No,” she sniffles. “No, you got here just in time.” Her voice wavers with emotion. “Thank you for coming. I just… I needed this album. It’s all I have of my parents. It must have fallen out of the box when I was packing and—”
“—There is no need to explain. Okay? You should be able to get your belongings without issue. And Sophie?” I caress her chin with my fingers and her watery eyes look up at me. “I’ll always come for you. That’s something you never have to worry about. Okay?”
She nods, a few tear drops breaking free of her lash line to trickle down her face.
I bring her in for a hug, needing to feel her safe in my arms, and I kiss the top of her head. “You’re okay. I have you, my sweet. I have you. He’ll never touch you again.”
I feel her nod against my chest.
“Gianni, drive her car back to the compound. I’ll drive her home.”
“No problem. I’m glad we got here in time, Sophie. I’m happy to see you safe.” Gianni gives me a nod before walking to her car.
“He needs the key,” she says, the words muffled against my chest.
“He has one. I made copies of your key and gave it to those who will need it.”
“I would argue about that if I had the energy.”
I kiss her forehead. “I know you would. Let’s get you home, okay? You need to rest.”
“I won’t argue with you there,” she rasps, placing her hand against her throat. “I think he would have choked me to death.” Another wave of tears comes as I open the passenger side door and help her inside.
“Death would not have happened because I’ll always get to you before that’s ever a possibility.” I reach over and buckle her in, wanting to embrace her in close proximity, but we need to get away from this apartment.
I hurry around the front of the car and jump in, slamming the door in hopes Michael hears us leaving. The tires skid across the pavement as I peel out of the parking lot. I’m furious. My hand tightens on the wheel and my heart lurches in my chest with how close I was to losing Sophie. My palms sweat.
It’s then I realize she’s weakened me.
Instead of saying anything stupid like why the hell she’d go to his place alone, I keep my mouth shut because my frustrations are not her fault. She’s been through enough and I don’t need to make her feel worse.
I slip my hand in hers, lacing our fingers together, and she doesn’t fight me. She leans over, placing her head on my shoulder as we drive home.
We get home all too soon, faster than I want because I’m enjoying her touch all too much. When we park, we stay in the car, not rushing out. I think both of us are finding the alone time welcoming.
“I’m sorry,” she finally says. “I shouldn’t have gone alone.”
“It’s okay.” I cup the back of her neck and press our foreheads together. “I’m just happy you’re safe.” Her breath puffs against my lips just as she tilts her head.
So I do the same, inching closer. Her breath catches. I pause, waiting to see if she changes her mind but she doesn’t move. My hand slips from the back of her neck to her jaw, cupping it gently, and I bring my lips to hers at last.
Her lips give easily, and I take it in, groaning softly when I finally experience the one thing I haven’t been able to get out of my mind. Her hand slides up my chest, fisting my tie to pull me closer. My tongue slips between her lips, hers lightly flicking against mine.