She doesn’t say anything, just nods, but her body says otherwise. She’s shivering.
“Gianni. Give her your jacket.” I’d give her mine, but I don’t want to remove this gun from Michael’s face.
Gianni does what I say without a fuss. He would have given her the jacket anyway. He’s a gentleman like that.
She tightens the blazer around her to cover herself up.
I growl, knowing he’s seen her bra, her gorgeous body, without permission.
“I should kill you. I’ve killed for less. You won’t be missed. I should torture you and make your pain last for putting your hands on her.”
He struggles against me, trying to get free of my hold. “You have no idea who I am. You have no idea how fucked you are.”
I laugh, truly amused by his audacity. “How fuckedIam?Me?” I shove the gun into his mouth, chipping his front tooth. “You have no idea who the fuck I am. That’s what you need to worry about, Michael,” I sneer.
“Matias, don’t.” Sophie’s small voice has me taking a deep breath. “Don’t kill him.”
I grunt in disagreement. “Why? The world would be better off.”
“I wouldn’t be. I don’t want to be the reason he’s dead.”
“He would be the reason. Not you. His actions are his alone.” I shove the gun further into his mouth and he gags. “So, tell me why I shouldn’t kill you, Michael. What makes you so special?” I slip the gun free so he can speak.
“You are fucking dead.” He spits. Literally spits into my face.
I slam my head forward and hit his nose with my forehead, causing it to bleed as it breaks.
“I would fucking kill you if it weren’t for Sophie. She’s the only thing keeping you alive.”
“Wait until my father hears about this.”
“I don’t give a fuck about your father,” I tell him. “You need to know that with every step you take, you have the Milazzo Mafia watching you.”
His face loses color. “Milazzo?”
I lean forward and grin. “Milazzo.” I point the gun at his heart. “So, when I say I don’t give a fuck about who you are, do you believe me? Because I can promise, who you are doesn’t compare to who I am.”
He nods so fast, the sweat dripping from his temple slides freely down his jaw.
“I’m not going to kill you, but know you’re officially tagged, Michael. If you speak to Sophie, if you contact her, if you’re in the same place as her, if you do anything other than forget about her existence, I’ll kill you. I’ll dismember your body and spread it across the fucking United States, so you’re never found. Do you understand?”
“I understand,” he bites, looking over my shoulder at Sophie.
I adjust my stance and cock my head, moving the gun to his shoulder and pulling the trigger.
“Ah, fuck!” he shouts, sliding down the wall and leaving a blood smear on the wall.
“When I said not to look at her, I meant starting now. That’s a warning. The next one will land between your eyes, Michael.”
He stares at the ground, holding a hand to his shoulder to apply pressure to the wound.
“Get what you need from here, Sophie. And we will leave.”
I keep the gun aimed at Michael, waiting for him to move his eyes to get another look at her. She comes back with a photo album in her arms.
“Gianni, please take her outside.”
She doesn’t argue, but stares at me until she’s out the door.