Page 39 of Hero Worship

“If this is about the dream and you don’t want to do this with me, then you have to fucking say that. You have to say it right now. I’ll get another man. I’ll have someone brought here.”

I wouldn’t. I’d rather walk into the sea.

Fuck. I would. If that’s what she wanted.

Daisy leans forward with so much force that it has to be hurting her scalp. “If I wanted anyone but you, I’d havedone that by now. What is it going to take for you to fuck me?”

I can’t see her. That’s how dark it is. I can only feel her heat. An explosion goes off in my head. A grenade. A flashbang. Bright, like her, and dangerous as fuck underneath, also like her.



“You’ve never fucked anyone before?”

“No.If I wanted anyone but you, I’d have—” Daisy gasps. I guess a sudden change in altitude will do that to a person. It takes three full heartbeats to understand that I’m the one who did it. I stood up from the couch, and fuck whatever’s in this room with us, whatever’s trying to drag her away. “What’s happening?”

What’s happening is that she lit my blood on fire. Every inch of me is super-sensitive. I can feel every surgical scar and every fucked-up tendon in my shoulder. I can feel where the bones lock together when they’re not supposed to. I can feel my cock waging war with my zipper and my heart beating out of my fucking chest.

“If we’re doing this, we’re doing it on a bed.”

“If?” Daisy’s arms go around my neck, and her head drops against my shoulder like that thing, thatdark, has its hand in her hair, too. “You don’t want to?”

I find the nearest wall by memory and push her up against it. Her legs wrap around my hips, and I get both hands back in her hair, where they belong. My mouth over hers. Christ, whatisthat taste? How does she taste like that? How does she taste like everything she can’t have, and I can’t have?

How can I taste her at all?

“Tell me you don’t want this.”

She arches against the wall, against me. “No.”

“Tell me not to hurt you.”

“I want you to hurt me.”

“Tell me youhateme, and you’d rather die than fuck me.”

“No, no,no.” It becomes a chant, her hips rolling against mine, and I’m going to die. This is how I’ll die. Stuck between her kitchen and her bedroom in the dark. “No,” Daisy whispers, and bites me again.

We make it to the bedroom. It’s not easy, because I push her up against every wall I find and mark her neck and her shoulder and her lips. And whatever she was dreaming is a physical tug toward the living room.

It doesn’t stop when I kick the door shut.

It doesn’t stop when I put her on the bed and strip off her shirt, and her bra, and her leggings.

It doesn’t stop when I take the waistband of her panties in my fists.

“How do you want it?”

“Want what?”

“The pain.”

A shiver goes through her, and she puts her hand on my wrist. “How can I have it?”

“I could bite you. Put you over my lap. Fuck you like you’re not a princess.”

“I’mnota princess.” She’s adamant. “But I’m not…”