Page 40 of Hero Worship

“Not what?”

“I’m not supposed to want this.”That’sthe new tension in the air, then. Daisy’s pure and perfect andprotected,and she doesn’t think she’s supposed to like it rough.

I said that to her once, my hands cuffed to a table.

Girls like me?

Ones who get off on a rough fuck with a strange man.

“You thinkI’msupposed to want this? I’m not.” Another flood of guilt, up to my eyeballs, to the top of my head. “I’m not supposed to want to fuck you like an animal.”

A short, delighted gasp. “That’s what you want?”

“That’s what I’ve always wanted. Why the fuck do you think I stayed away from you? I couldn’t have this.”

“You can have it now. Take it. Take it, please. Make it hurt.”

Her panties come apart in my hands. I wasn’t aware of starting to rip them. There’s no missing her nails digging into my shirt, though. No missing how she tries to rip it off me, too.

I help the cause and shed all my clothes.

Daisy pulls me into the bed. On top of her. She moves at the right moment so we’re centered, safe from falling.

Time stops.

It’s an illusion, but I only know that because my heart still beats. Daisy’s hands slow on my chest. She’s trembling.

“It’s okay to want this,” I tell her. “However you want it.”

“You sound…” I don’t like the way she says that. It’s the same way herfathersays it, and he hears all the pathetic things you’d never say out loud. I donotwant to think about him in this moment. “Worried.”

“That’s not what it is. It’s just memories. You don’t want to get into that right now, I swear.”

“You’re not worried about me?”

“I’m so worried about you I can hardly stand it. But not because you want a certain kind of sex. Because I don’t want you to hate me for it later. I don’t want you to be ashamed of it later.”

“That guy at the gala,” she says, so softly I could pretend not to hear, if I was an asshole. “I didn’t like that.”

“This isn’t the same thing. You’reaskingme to do this. And you can change your mind whenever you want.”

“I hated what he did.”

“I know.”

“I want you to do more.” Daisy’s entire body tenses, and I guess doors don’t matter atall,because the pressure is in here now. “I want you to do itnow.”

“Does it need to be pain? Only pain?”

Her hands go to my hair, and she threads her fingers through the same way I did to her. She’ll take me with her like this. We’ll both be dragged in.

I can’t say I mind.

“What else is there?” she asks, her voice tight.

Part of her snaps into focus. When Daisy thinks of intensity, she thinks of pain, because that’s her life. That’s her body. The brightest things hurt the most. For her, the opposite of pain is only its absence.

Nobody’s taught her pleasure.