Page 36 of Flight Risk

I toss my hair back over my shoulders with every intention of being haughty and blasé about this, like I spread my legs for kidnappers every Monday and this is no big deal.


I can’t do it.

Embarrassed jitters drown my anticipation, and my knees lock themselves together tight. My face is so hot that my stomach turns. The heat spreads down my neck and over my breasts, where of course my nipples are drawn tight, peaked,of course they are.

“Fine.” It sounds perfectly dismissive. “If that’s what you want.”

Jameson cocks his head to the side and watches me.

That’s nothing like it is at The Membership. When I’m performing, the audience is a hazy black collection of disembodied applause and the occasional gasp or wolf whistle. I can see them when the house lights come up, but not in any great detail. It never gets bright enough in the seating area to ruin the mood.

“Fine,” I try again, and my voice wobbles.

I'm not going tocry.I’m not ashamed of my body. It’s thatdoingthis is impossible.

“Lily, short for Lilith the demon.” Jameson’s voice is low and patient, and when he says my name like that, the heat concentrates between my legs. I’m supposed to be terrified right now. Iamterrified. But it’s wrapped in a thick layer of desire, or maybe it’s desperation. Why didn’t I know sooner thannowthat I’ve always wanted a man to say my name like that? Did I not know because my cells or my soul only wantedJameson?Whokidnappedme? “Do you need help?”

The wordyesforms on the back of my tongue, and I could say it. It’s right there, at my lips, ready. I catch it at the last second, like I’d catch myself on the aerial hoop before it’s too late.


“Then do what I said. Spread your legs.” He raises a hand in the air and beckons toward him. “Move your ass an inch or two this way on the cushion, too.”

I scooch forward. It’s the only part of his demand Icancomply with.

“Hmm.” His eyes have moved from my face to my knees. Jameson scans my trembling thighs like they’re a problem he’s faced before and knows how to fix. Holy mother of malpractice, he probablyhas.I’m the one with no experience. I’m doing a damn good job of letting that slip, too. “Spread your legs, or I’ll punish you.”

I’m feverish. He’s made me sick. I have to be. No one has ever been this hot for a non-sickness reason before. I don’t know what he means bypunish, but part of me thrills at the idea. I manage to suppress a shiver only for my skin to break out in goose bumps.

I thought kidnapping would be more straightforward.

It’s not. Now Iwantto open my legs for him, but I also want to see what he’ll do if I don’t.

At the very least, I want to make the choice.

I can’t do it. My knees won’t come apart.

“I don’t buy it.” Jameson shakes his head, then gestures at his own face. “You’re all pink. That did something for you.”


A smile shows a flash of his teeth. “Okay. Let’s try this one. Lilith?”


“Why? You blush harder when I say it.”

I don’t turn away. That would be the same as backing down. I’m already tied up. I don’t need to lose any more ground to Jameson None Of My Fucking Business.

“Lily.” Even softer now. Even lower. Hotter.Coaxing.“Be a good girl and spread your legs so I can see your sweet pussy.”

Oh, no. Nope. I’m not breathing. I can’t. My ribs won’t expand. They’re stuck like this. Embarrassing! I never thought I’d die during a kidnapping and especially not in the middle of—

“Lily, short for Lilith, my beautiful demon, bemygood girl and spread your legs so I can see how wet you are for me.”

“No.” It comes out as a high, desperate syllable at the same moment I squeeze my eyes shut.