Page 35 of Flight Risk

She does the cutest little grimace. “I don’t have a lot of those.”

“One is all you need.”

“I don’t—”

“You’re notrandom,Lily, short for Lilith the demon. You’re not here to settle up for the great injustices of the world.” She could, though. I bet she could do it. I have nothing to base that on but the way she keeps pulling on her bravery like a blanket, though she’s perfectly naked, just how I like her. “You’re here for something more personal.”

I can see in her face how much she wants to ask what it is. I won’t tell her. I won’t talk about anything that’s going to throw memories in my face. I need all my attention for my gorgeous hostage.

I silently dare her to ask so I can tell herno.

She silently sees my dare and ignores it, her chin coming up.

That makes me want her to ask,andit makes me want to tell her. Jesus, no.

Lily does something with her eyes. They go huge, soft, understanding, and the undead muscle in my chest jumps up and down and demands more from her and with her, and fuck, I’ve been a crime scene for so,solong, I’m the thing that’s about to burst into flame—

“Well.” Lily lets her hands rest primly on her lap, folding them like they’re not tied together as best she can. “If justice is slouching on your sofa while you watch me sit here, then you’re a pervert, but whatever it takes, I guess.”

I was leaning back, notslouching, but now I lean forward. My zipper is doing a number on my cock. Mycockwould love nothing more than to launch myself across the room, take her down to the rug, and forget everything but her body.

Lily’s eyes get wide again at what she sees on my face. She’s figured out that things are going to get more intense, starting now.

“I should’ve been clear.” I clasp my hands in front of me, elbows resting on my knees, and her eyes dart down to the movement and back. “I don’t want you tosit there.Spread your legs.”



This is it.

This is where push comes to shove.

I know it wasliterallypush and shove in the parking lot, but this, right here—Jameson sayingspread your legs—this is the part where I could melt down. This is where I could scream, or cry, or faint.

I don’t want to do any of those things.

There’s a strange heat in the air. A tension between us. The way he was looking at me before was like a challenge. It was like adare.It felt like something I wanted, and maybe that makes sense in the context of growing up as an only child. I read books about other kids who had siblings and those siblings would dare them to do things.

This is definitely not that, and I don’t want a childish dare.

I had to daremyselfto get the job at The Membership. I had to talk myself into learning how to perform on the aerial hoop. For once, somebody else is doing it, and it’s not that he challenged me, it’s that I challenged him back.

His eyes lit up.

I wish I knew what it meant in the context ofhislife.

No, I don’t.

I don’t wishanyof that.

Because it’s time to perform. He’s the one with all the control here, all the power, and I can’t get enough air.

For all of a few seconds, and then all the sensations in my body reorganize themselves into a recognizable shape.

It’s a bizarre, inappropriate shape, and I don’t mean the shape of a dick. It’s the shape of anticipation. It’s the shape of waiting in the wings at The Membership to become a living fantasy. It’s knowing that I’m about to wield incredible power.

Maybe I already do.