Page 51 of Rage of Her Ravens

“And you’re such an elements’ cursed fool that you’re willing to throw it all away,” I hissed.

Drae backed away from us. “I tried to apologize!”

Nikkos shook his head, pain flashing in his eyes. “For years I looked up to you, Drae. I thought you were the smartest Fae alive, but I don’t even recognize you anymore.”

My jaw dropped as I gaped at my brothers. Nikkos rarely stood up to Drae. Ever since I could remember, our youngest brother had practically worshipped him.

“You know what?” Drae flung a burst of flame at us, but it fizzled like a falling comet before landing at our feet. “Fuck off! I’m leaving.”

“Where are you going?” I demanded.

He turned his back on us, shoving supplies into his pack. “Away from all of you.”

Nikkos let out a snort of derision. “So you’re going to leave us to carry Shirina and the girls by ourselves?”

He motioned to Shirina and the girls as they walked along the hollowed-out ledge, drawing closer to us. “They don’t want me to carry them anyway.”

I flung a ball of flame at him. “You prick!”

He ducked way too fast, and I knew he’d manipulated time to do it. Whereas I had supernatural speed, he had the ability to slow down time. Bastard. Then he threw his own flame back at me. I barely ducked in time as the flame went soaring over my head, singing the tips of my feathers. He was damn lucky it fizzled before reaching Shirina and the girls.

“Let him go,” Nikkos said, spitting at Drae’s feet. “We don’t need him.”

“Don’t you dare go looking for her parents or her sister,” I warned, smoke pouring from my fingertips. “She’ll never forgive you if you kill them, and neither will we.”

He finished packing his bag and shoved a wing and an arm into the wide strap before cinching it on his back. “I’m not looking for anyone. I’m going home.”

Chapter Eight


Inervously paced thehollowed-out ledge while watching Blaze and Nikkos fly toward us. My heart plummeted when Draevyn flew away, disappearing into the clouds.

Blaze gently touched down on the ledge, his beating wings blowing back my hair. “You girls ready?”

The girls jumped up and down, squealing.