Page 52 of Rage of Her Ravens

“Yes.” I wrung my hands together, squinting into the sun. Draevyn was gone. “Where did he go?”

Nikkos shrugged. “He went on ahead of us.”

I gaped at him. “He left us?”

Blaze’s eyes sharpened to twin blade points. “We’re better off without him.”

I nervously chewed my lip. “You can carry all of us that far?”

“Of course,” Nikkos said with a smile, his enthusiasm sounding forced. “I was wondering if we could borrow your cape and turn it into a sling for the girls.”

“Anything you need,” I said as I unlatched my cape. I held the thick fabric in my hands. It was my only nice possession, weaved by the satyrs, a gift from my father shortly after we’d lost Tari. It should hold their weight, shouldn’t it? I worried my lip, my gaze darting to the girls as they bounced around like they were trying to pop bubbles beneath their feet. They were far too rambunctious. How would only one Ravini manage both of them? “But I don’t want them to fall out.”

“We won’t let anything happen to them. Promise.” Nikkos winked as he took the cape from me, his smile making those dimples in his cheeks more pronounced.

Oh, how my heart fluttered whenever he smiled. I could easily lose myself in his arms, and I felt a distinct pull toward him, as if our hearts were attached by an invisible rope. I hadn’t felt such a strong connection to him since that night we’d first met. I swallowed back my desire. Now was not the time to become entranced by my mate. “So who will carry me?”

Nikkos pulled out a dull bronze coin. “We’re taking turns. Whoever wins the toss gets Shirina first.” He looked to his brother. “Call it, Blaze. Feathers or fire.”

Blaze cut his gaze to me, and there was no mistaking the desire in his eyes. My spine turned to porridge and my knees involuntarily trembled. I feared I’d melt completely if I was left alone in Blaze’s arms.

“Fire,” he said, giving me a smoldering look.

Nikkos threw the coin into the air and caught it, slapping it on his forearm. His eyes lit up like fire bursts. “Feathers.”

I admired the coin displaying a winged mage stamped into the metal.

I thought I heard Blaze mutter ‘damn’ under his breath, but he quickly righted his frown when the girls squealed and grabbed his legs.

Nikkos helped Blaze secure the cloak, tying it tightly around his shoulders and fashioning a hammock against his chest. He then tucked the girls inside, their legs tangled together while they faced each other.

“Your legs are squishing my legs.” Aurora pouted, kicking her sister.

Ember cried out and smacked Aurora with her straw doll.

“No fighting,” I scolded.

Ember rubbed her leg. “Can I fly on your back instead?” she asked Blaze.

“No!” I protested, accidentally unleashing my siren voice. I slapped my hand over my mouth, stroking Ember’s face when she blinked up at me with frightened eyes. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s not safe to fly on his back.”

She frowned, hanging her head. “Okay, Auntie.”

“Thank you for carrying them,” I said to Blaze.

“No need to thank me.” He cradled them with both hands. “They make good company.”

“Really?” Nervous laughter bubbled up from my throat. “Even when they bombard you with questions?”

“Even then.”

The smoldering look he gave me made my heart do backflips, and for a moment, I wished that I was the one tied up against Blaze.

“Go easy on him.” I stroked the girls’ cherubic little cheeks. “And please no squirming. He needs to focus on flying, not making sure you don’t fall.”

“Yes, Auntie,” they said.

Nikkos checked their sling once more, tightening the knots securing it around Blaze’s shoulders.