Page 15 of Keeping Promises

I leave them to it; I really want to make sure that everything looks good just for my own peace of mind.

As I expected, everything is pretty much fine, and I’m just fussing more than anything. After the third time of fluffing the pillows, I decide I really am being ridiculous and instead go into the kitchen to see Rafe.

“Hey, Baby, have you had enough of trying to find something that needs tidying?” Rafe greets me as soon as I walk into the room.

I stick my tongue out at him because he’s right and say. “Maybe, I don’t know why I do this every time. I mean, I know I do this, and I also know that on Christmas Eve morning tomorrow, just before the parents arrive, I’m going to be running around like a mad woman cleaning despite the fact that I will have done it tonight after everyone has left to make sure it was ready.”

Rafe smiles at me as he pulls me into his arms, my head falling onto his chest as he kisses the top of my head.

His voice rumbles through his chest as he says, “It’s cute, and it’s only because you care so much. But, would you like to help me out in here so that you are distracted by doing something that needs to be done and not something that has already been done?”

“This is why I love you,” I mumble into his chest before adding, “yes, please.”

“Thought so,” he chuckles as he steps back.

“So, what are we making?” I ask him, grateful that he understands me so well and that he’s also giving me something else to focus on.

“I’m doing like a picky, buffet kind of thing. That way, we can just leave it out, and people can pick at it through the evening because everyone is going to be drunk, very drunk. I saw some of what those three were putting into the cocktails, and they are crazy strong. I’m actually surprised Ezra isn’t on the floor.”

“Hey, I take offense to that statement. I am an excellent holder of liquor,” Ezra exclaims, seemingly to have appeared out of nowhere.

I chuckle, “I’m sure you are, dude. No one was questioning that.”

He grins, “Good. I just wanted to make that clear. Anyway, I was coming to tell you guys that the beautiful mother of our child just called me and said they’re going to be about thirty minutes. It took a bit longer to drop the stuff at their house because of the traffic, thanks to the snow.”

“Awesome, that gives me just enough time to do what I want to do with food,” Rafe replies.

“I was going to say, dude, it smells freaking amazing in here.” Ezra compliments.

“Thank you. I’m trying to whip up some things that are going to line people’s stomachs but are also easy to eat and pick at.” Rafe explains.

“Good idea. Like you’ve said, we’ve made the cocktails pretty fucking potent.” Ezra grins, not looking repentant in the slightest.

“That’s what I like to hear,” I grin, and then turn back to Rafe, “Right, what do you need me to do?”

“There’s a batch of mini pizzas in the oven; could you get them out and plate them up? There are some salads and other picky things in the fridge in the pantry. Could you please put those on the table as well? And then it’s just a case of getting everything else out and putting it on the table. I’m going to make one of those giant charcuterie boards quickly.”

“Sounds awesome,” I reply, my stomach grumbling at the thought of all the food about to come our way. I smirk at Ezra, “I’ll also put out some bottled water as well. In an attempt to curb some of those hangovers in the older amongst us.”

Ezra puts his hand to his chest and gasps dramatically as he puts on an over-exaggerated Southern voice and says, “Now I just know that you are not referring to me.”

Mason just happens to walk in at that point, and I had no idea that he didn’t go with Jynx, but then again, I’m not entirely sure who’s here and who’s not. We’re spread out everywhere.

“Okay, I have no idea what the hell I just walked into, but why the hell can you do such a good southern accent?” Mason asks, sounding both amused and impressed.

Ezra bows exaggeratedly, “I happen to be from the south. I’ve lost a lot of my accent, but I can put it on when I want to.”

“Do you know, I really don’t know why I’m surprised. I mean, you’re always in cowboy boots and that black cowboy hat of yours; it makes sense.” Mason replies.

Ezra smiles, “That’s me. Anyway, I’m going to go and tell the others that Lyric and all of them will be up soon.”

Once he’s left the kitchen, Mason turns back to us, “I came to see if I can help with anything. I feel bad that I’m just sitting in there, not doing anything.”

Chapter Six

“So you’re bored then?” I smirk as I start to put the pizzas on the serving plates that Rafe has already set up.

“Yeah, pretty much,” he grins.