Page 14 of Keeping Promises

“I know, that’s why I want to read it,” Jensen replies like it's not a big deal when, actually, the fact that he wants to read them because I love them so much makes me love him so much more.

I bend down and kiss him, my tongue running across the seam of his lips as he opens for me, and our tongues dance together before I bite his lip just hard enough to make him moan quietly and then say, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He replies, his eyes slightly glazed and making me feel powerful as fuck that I can cause him to have that sort of reaction.

I have to admit that there’s an extra sway in my hips as I walk away from him, aware that not only are his eyes watching my ass, but my other men are as well as I make my way into the front room and over to the massive bookcase that we have in the alcove next to the fireplace. I freaking love this bookcase, it reaches all the way to the ceiling, and our ceilings are pretty fucking high, which means we had to have one of those sliding ladder things they have in libraries so that we can reach the books on the top shelf and I’ve honestly, never been more excited than when it was first finished and I got to start putting books on it.

One of my most favourite things about this bookcase though, is that we all have books that we like on it. It’s a collection of all our different tastes, and we regularly choose books that we wouldn’t necessarily choose to read because one of the others likes it, and I love that.

I also wasn’t lying. There’s just something about walking into the front room and seeing one of my men curled up in the big squishy chair we have here and reading; it’s really attractive and makes me feel happy, no matter what mood I was in when I first walked in there.

I climb up a couple of rungs on the ladders, wondering how on earth Jensen thought that he could reach them by himself. Although that might have been why he agreed to my help so readily, he knew there was no chance that he could get them.

I take the book back to Jensen and hand it over to him, “I might do a reread so I can read along with you. It’s been a few months.”

Cash chuckles, “I know for a fact that it hasn’t been that long since you last read them.”

I shrug, “It feels like it has been, and that’s what counts.”

They both start laughing as Peter says, “I swear you’ve got an obsession with those books.”

I point at him and raise my eyebrow, “Hey now, don’t start judging me unless you’ve read them; I swear you’re going to love them.”

Rafe once again walks past us, this time going the other way, and pauses, “She’s right, man, you’d fucking love them.”

Rafe grins and then slaps my ass before he continues past me and to the pantry.

Peter looks contemplative before he says, “Alright, I might read them while Jensen and you are reading them, just to see what all the hype is about. I’ve got the app on my phone.”

“Yes!” I exclaim, far too excited, but I’ve honestly been trying to get him to read them since I first found them, so this feels like an epic win.

Peter chuckles, “You know, if you wanted me to read them that bad, you should’ve said, and I would’ve read them.”

“Fuck off.” I reply, “No, you wouldn’t have.”

He tilts his head and shrugs with a smile, “Yeah, you may be right, I’m too stubborn.”

“I know,” I reply with a fond grin, “I’m going to go and tidy up a bit, just to make sure everything looks okay for when they arrive and also because I feel like I need to do something.”

“Okay, Angel.” Jesen grins, although his eyes never move away from the page he’s reading, which makes my smile widen.

“How long has it been since you saw D in person?” Pete asks curiously.

I pause as I think about it, “Probably just after I helped Jynx out with a job in Fresno, my father found out I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be and sent me to watch over someone and report back their movements, but it was D so we had a bit of fun feeding my father false information for a while.”

Cash bursts into shocked laughter, “That’s brilliant. I bet it really fucked with whatever he had planned.”

“It did, and shockingly, my father never realised that I was in on feeding him the false information; he just figured that they were tricking me somehow.”

“Genius,” Jensen replies.

“I thought so,” I reply and then add, “so it’s been a good few years; any of our communication after that has been done via phone.”

“Wow, okay, so it’ll be good to see him again after so long.” Cash replies.

“Definitely, he’s hilarious, and like Jynx, but more so, you never really know what is going to come out of his mouth next.”

“Well, I’m sure the cocktails that Ace, Ezra, and me made are going to help with that as well, and Jynx warned us what they’re all like together so I can’t wait.” Jensen chimes in and then immediately goes back to reading and pretending that we’re not here.