“Eira?” I ask.

“How have I never noticed how beautiful you are, Parker?” Then he shakes his head as if he’s trying to forget what he’s just said. His lips curve up into a grin, and he clears his throat before he takes a step to the side. “We have a meeting,” he murmurs.

He doesn’t say anything else as I brush past him and make my way toward the conference room. Eira may not speak, but I can feel his gaze on my ass as I walk. I’m wearing a pencil skirt today with three-inch heels. Definitely not a normal outfit for me, but I felt sexy as I got dressed this morning. I felt sexy because Wells made me feel sexy.

I might be regretting my choice.



Bringingthe cool liquid to my lips, I take a hearty gulp and hiss as it burns my throat. I slam the glass down on the table, close my eyes, and let my head drop back. Dad is on his way here. Apparently, we have to have a family meeting with everyone. And it has to be this afternoon.

Talk of Uncle Dean has gotten around, and there are plenty of upset people. Then there’s our aunt. She’s been staying at Mom and Dad’s since shit went down. Inconsolable, not just because he’s gone, but because of the affair and the child.

Come to find out, she had no idea, and she was pregnant when Shiloh was conceived. It’s a whole mess of family drama, and I personally want nothing to do with any of it, but I’m stuck in the middle because I am a manager.

Lifting my head, I take my phone out of my pocket and decide to send Parker a text.


My lips twitch into a smirk as I wait for her to respond. She doesn’t, at least not immediately, and my brows snap together in a frown at the thought that she is ignoring me or busy. Thumbing through my apps, I find the tracking one and touch her picture.

She’s in the office building. Maybe she’s just busy working. I know she’d been working on a big financial project for her company. Before I can dig further into where she is and why she isn’t answering me, the door opens and Hendrick walks in.

“Morning cocktails? Yes, please,” he calls out. “I have a feeling we’re going to need them.”

He’s not fucking wrong. I have the same feeling. I hear my father’s booming voice as he speaks with someone down the hall, which is our cue to get our asses up and walk into the conference room.

I can’t take too long at whatever this is. I do have to meet with someone from the bank on this building deal. They have some paperwork they need me to fill out. Usually, an executive would handle that, but I’m a signer on the account, along with Coleman and Uncle Dean.

Since Uncle Dean won’t be signing anything ever again, it’s going to be up to me because my father refuses to fill out any paperwork anymore at all whatsoever. He delegates now, which is hilarious, but also I aspire to become him because I fucking hate paperwork.

Hendrick slams his drink in one gulp. As I stand, Coleman grabs his phone and shoves it into his pocket. Together, the three of us make our way toward the conference room. It’s full. Thankfully, Coleman and I don’t have to stand since we’re managers. We have assigned seats.

One chair sits empty, and I wonder who is going to be the next executive.

My father is sitting as we enter the space. None of us sits out of respect as we wait for his instructions. Slowly, he stands to his feet. Right now, as his gaze searches the room, he is the director. He is not my father.

“Be seated. The meeting is beginning now.”

The room goes silent, and then he begins. He’s got a whole speech prepared, and I almost laugh because he’s being so fucking serious. Granted, it’s a serious issue. Uncle Dean betrayed the family and then tried to get Coleman to marry his first cousin.

“So there is an empty seat in the executive section of our family. I want to ensure that this decision was not made in haste. It was not something that was even made emotionally. Dean Hamilton clearly betrayed his family. Our family. And paid the price that any of us would have to pay if we did the same.

“This is a reminder to all of us. None of us is above the rules of the family, not even my own brother. A life for a life,” my father says, finishing his speech.

The entire room repeats his words. “A life for a life.”

“Next order of business before I let all of you go for the day. I would like to nominate Coleman for the empty executive position. He will be wed in a few short months, and I believe it is time to move him up within the family. Does anybody disagree with this?”

There is silence, and while I’m not surprised that Coleman has been nominated for the position of executive, I’m surprised that my father is not only suggesting it but also asking for a vote today. I figured he would leave the position empty for a few months, at least until after Coleman’s wedding.

“Welcome to the executive position, Coleman.”

The room erupts in applause, and then my father dismisses the meeting, knowing that on a Monday afternoon, we all have things we need to do. Standing, I reach into my pocket and wrap my fingers around my phone, taking it out to see if she’s texted me.

She hasn’t.