Frowning, I decide I’m going to have to pay her a visit. There’s no way in fuck she isn’t sitting at her desk with her phone in her hand. Has she already talked herself out of this between us? It wouldn’t surprise me. She’s like a timid, terrified animal. She’s ready to sprint at any given moment.

Seems I’m going to have to remind her that she’s mine. Maybe I didn’t fuck her enough this weekend. I figured every single move she made would remind her of me and at least she’d be aware enough to check her fucking phone.

“Are you going to the bank?” my father asks.

Lifting my head, I jerk my chin. “I am,” I murmur. I’m distracted. I know I am, but this woman, she is already driving me fucking crazy. I need to check on her, even if it’s without her knowing.

“You’ve met someone,” he announces.

My body jerks, and I lift my gaze to meet his. “Huh?” I ask.

His lips twitch into a smirk. “You think I don’t know what my boys are doing?”

Pressing my lips together in a thin line, I watch him for a moment, my brows knitted together. He watches me with a cocky smirk on his face. The room has filtered out. It’s mainly Coleman, Hendrick, and a few executives left milling around.

“She’s beautiful.”

“Dad?” I ask.

He shrugs a shoulder. “You took her out to eat. It was reported back to me. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Have your fun before you marry your prize.”

I’m not sure why his words surprise me, but they do. “What if she’s my prize?” I ask.

He arches a brow, the smirk disappearing from his lips. I don’t shock my father very often, but I can tell he wasn’t expecting that. He leans forward, placing his hands on the expensive conference room table, his eyes finding mine and holding my gaze with his own.

“What are you telling me?” he asks.

Sinking my teeth into the corner of my lip, it’s my turn to smirk. “She was a virgin. I like her. I think she could be my prize.”

Coleman clears his throat, then lets out a cough. “What?” my father snaps, turning his attention to him.

“You killed her parents. Wells is fucking with you,” Coleman announces.

Slowly, so slowly that I think he’s moving in slow motion, my father blinks, then swings his attention back to meet mine. “What?” he asks, his voice almost cracking.

“The Nichols. Don’t know why or what happened. All I know is that she remembers a man standing over her bed the night her parents were killed, and Coleman did some research to find out it was the family. We’re assuming you indeed were that man.”

My dad runs his fingers through his hair. His usually cool, calm demeanor has been shaken, and I’m a bit surprised. I’ve not known my father to show any kind of reaction like this before. This is as close to panic as I’ve ever witnessed.

“Dad?” I ask, unsure if he’s going to be okay. “You know she’s one of Mom’s patients, right?”

His face pales, and then I start to worry that maybe I’m fucking my sister or something, judging by his reaction. Thankfully, he puts me out of my panicked misery and takes a step toward me. He leans forward slightly, his gaze on mine and unmoving.

“Stay away, Wells.”

“Why?” I ask.

I’m on the verge of freaking the fuck out, but of course, I show him nothing. He’s giving me more in his expression than I’ve ever seen before from him, especially with other family around.

This shit is goddamn worrisome.

Coleman takes a step forward to stand beside me. I’m not sure if it’s in solidarity and support or if he’s going to hold me back when I try to beat our old man’s ass over whatever the fuck he’s dreading telling me.

“Because she is not for you.”

“You’re going to need to give me more than that. I’ve taken her. She’s mine for now.”

Silence washes over us. It hangs in the air, thick and impenetrable. Then Dad sucks in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before he releases it slowly. He clears his throat as he slowly sinks down in his chair.