His words aren’t a complete lie. Shiloh’s death was quick and likely virtually painless. But she did die. I won’t admit it. Coleman won’t either. She’s gone, the mother is gone, and so is our own uncle. Nobody was safe from the repercussions of their actions over twenty years ago. But it wasn’t just that. It was their continued lies and betrayal that did all three of them in.

“Shiloh was innocent,” Ray whispers. “She didn’t know.”

And it doesn’t matter. But she knew enough. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have killed herself. Without another word, he turns and tugs open the office door, then walks out of the room in silence.

“He’s going to be a problem,” I murmur.

“More than likely,” Coleman agrees. “As long as the deal goes through, I don’t give a fuck what he says or does. I’ll deal with him later.”

My lips slowly curve up into a grin. I like the sound of that. Ray has been a pansy-ass issue for a while. It will be nice when he is dealt with, and we never have to worry about him again. Once we have the building and his contacts, he’s no longer an asset.


As I walkthrough the office, I wonder if anyone notices what is different about me. I’m wearing a high-collared silk blouse that is smooth up the front but has a bow at the neck. It hides the bruises there.

Bruises that are in different shades of healing even just after a few days. Some are from early this morning, some from last night, some from a few days ago. I’m going to have to tell him that he can’t bruise me anymore. I don’t have enough shirts to cover the marks, and I can’t wear turtlenecks in Texas for more than a few weeks in the winter.

Slipping into my personal office, I close the door behind me and turn to glance out of the window. Nobody even noticed me, as usual. My heart starts to race, and I suddenly feel freezing cold. My body trembles and my knees threaten to give out.

I’m finding it hard to breathe as I force myself toward my chair, my palms pressing against the desk with all my body weight as I sink down in the seat. I’m not sure what to do. I am feeling sick, my stomach tingling and flip-flopping.

Maybe I should call Doctor Hamilton, but I’m supposed to see her after work. If I can’t make it through an entire workday, then I’m not getting better. I’m getting worse. I don’t want to say it’s because of Wells, but I think it is.

I don’t know how to handle him. He’s too intense for me. I don’t know what I’m doing, and it’s making me sick. The back-and-forth, theI don’t know what we are, then the complete domination and control. It’s messing with me. When we’re physically with one another, I’m good, but just like the last time I hadn’t heard from him, we’re apart, and I’m panicking.

This can’t be healthy.

I already know that Doctor Hamilton is going to tell me to run away from him. She did the last time I called, but then he walked into my condo, and we spent the most amazing weekend together. And now it’s Monday morning, and I’m questioning everything all over again.

Closing my eyes, I suck in a breath, then slowly let it out through my parted lips. I do it again, then again, until I feel better.Calmer. But my heart is still beating quickly, my stomach still a little turned upside down.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I get my computer all set up, hoping my numbers will settle me the way they usually do. Once I get focused on work, I’ll feel better. At least, that’s the way it’s always been.

I don’t know how long I work, but there is a knock on my office door that interrupts my focus. I lift my head.

The only thing I can think is that it’s going to be Wells walking through the door, but then I realize he wouldn’t be knocking. That man would burst into the space like a hurricane, holding nothing back and demolishing anything and everything in his way. What he wouldn’t do is knock.

“Come in,” I call out, my voice trembling and sounding odd even to my own ears.

The door opens slightly, and I blink at the sight of Eira. He’s one of the bosses here. Actually, he reminds me a lot of Wells. Not in looks but in the way he carries himself. He’s tall, strong, dominant. But right now, he seems off.

Almost soft.

Maybe it’s me who’s off.

“We need your report. Meeting starts in ten.”

I blink, then clear my throat as I pressPrinton the report, then I email it to Eira’s secretary so she can add it to the presentation he’ll be giving. “I finished it. I just totally spaced on the time,” I murmur. “I’m so sorry.”

Standing, I hurry over to the printer, take the papers that have printed quickly and turn to face him. He’s standing in my doorway, his eyes watching me, a smile playing on his lips. He appears to be almost…playful?

My feet falter as I move toward him, and I almost trip on my heels and land flat on my face in front of him. Thankfully, I catch myself in time and clear my throat as I straighten and continue to move toward him.

He doesn’t step out of the way, though. He watches me, tilting his head to the side, his eyes searching mine.

“You’re beautiful,” he states, and he appears almost surprised by that confession, or maybe it’s more because he said those words aloud.

I’m shocked, too, mainly because this man has said a total of a handful of words to me since I started working here. He’s never knocked on my door, and he’s never just stood and stared at me. I don’t know what to do, and I can feel my heart begin to slam against my rib cage.