Page 42 of The Curse Breakers

The deputy’s face reddened, and Tom choked back a laugh.

Tom took a moment to gather himself. “Ellie, this is Deputy Moran, and he’s with the Dare County Sheriff’s Office.”

I raised my eyebrows as I stared at him.

“He’s investigating the death last night.”

I put a hand on my hip. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”

Tom rolled his eyes. “Ellie, you know damn good and well what I’m talking about.”

I heaved out a loud exhale. “Tom, I’m really busy. This is my first day, and I’d really like to keep this job seeing as how I don’t have another one at the moment. Do you have a question or not?”

The deputy cleared his throat, no longer looking as friendly as he had a few moments ago. “Were you in Wanchese last night?”

“Is this an interrogation? Really?” I looked around the restaurant. “Now?”

“Ellie,” Tom growled. “Just answer the goddamned question.”

I could lie, but what if they had proof? “Yes.”

Relief flooded Tom’s face.

“What were you doing in Wanchese?” the deputy asked.

I glared at him. “What I do or don’t do is my business. If I wanted the world to know, I would have tweeted about it.”

The deputy leaned forward, his eyes hardening. “We can do this at the sheriff’s office if you’d prefer.”

Anger singed my chest. “Are you accusing me of a crime?” My voice rose louder than I’d intended, and several people looked in my direction.

Tom’s eyes pleaded with me. “Ellie, we’re not accusing you of anything.”

The deputy’s face was expressionless. “I’m reserving judgment.”

I rolled my eyes and then put my hands on the table and leaned closer to them. “I like to go to Wanchese and skinny-dip. Okay? I’m not exactly proud of it, but there you go.” I stood up. “Anything else?”

The deputy didn’t look happy at all and neither did Tom.

“Did you see a giant snake by the docks last night?” Deputy Moran asked.

I gave him a saucy look. “I know that’s what lots of guys like to call it, but no. I didn’t see anygiant snakesin Wanchese last night.” I used air quotes around giant snakes. “Not that I’m maligning Wanchese,” I added. “I’m sure there’s a few there. I just haven’t seen them.”

Tom tried to keep from laughing, earning a disapproving look from the deputy.

“Is there anything else? Because my customers at the table over there need a refill and every second I’m here with you is costing me in tips.”

The deputy shook his head. “No. But I’m going to want to talk to you later.”

I gave him a smile. “Tom knows where to find me.” I quickly left and got refills for the table that was waiting, offering the customers my apologies.

The fact that the deputy wanted to question me set me on edge. At least I knew where I stood with Tom. This other guy was a wild card. I knew he couldn’t accuse me of anything—after all,Iclearly hadn’t put those holes in that guy—but I didn’t want to be tied to anything supernatural.

When I brought plates to one of my tables, I noticed that I had a new customer in the back, his head bent, his face looking down at the menu.

My heart stopped, leaving me light-headed.

Collin looked up, and the blood rushed from his face.