Page 43 of The Curse Breakers

I was stuck. This was my first day, so there was no way I was going to ask the hostess to move him. I had to suck it up and be a big girl.

I walked toward him, my back stiffening. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Collin’s mouth moved like he was about to say something, but then a wry smile lifted his lips. “We have to stop meeting this way, Ellie.”

I tilted my head with a fake smile. “You already broke the curse, so what dastardly deed could you have in mind this time?”

He leaned back. “This time is a coincidence. In fact, I’ve been here almost every day for over a week. I could accuse you of stakingmeout.”

I curled my upper lip. “You wish.”

“You did it last night.” But the smile fled from his face.

I refused to acknowledge anything about last night, especially since Tom and the deputy were still on the other side of the room. “Can I get your drink order?”


I checked on my other tables before I got Collin’s water, but I noticed that my interaction with him had drawn Tom’s attention. Thankfully, the deputy hadn’t noticed.

When I returned to Collin’s table, he had a serious look on his face. “What happened after I left you?”

My eyes narrowed and I lowered my voice, leaning closer to him. “You lost all right to ask me what happened the moment you drove off.”

He had the nerve to look pissed. “Like it or not, we need to keep track of each other.”

My mouth dropped. “Are you shitting me?”

The couple at the next table turned their heads toward us.

Great. Between Collin, Tom, and Deputy Moran, I was going to lose this job on the first day. “I need your order, Collin.”

He shook his head in disgust and slid the menu toward me, looking out the window. “A hamburger, medium rare.”

I leaned over to pick up his menu with my right hand and his right hand snatched my wrist, pulling me close. Our faces were less than a foot apart. The call of his mark sent a shiver down my spine, and I struggled to catch my breath.

“Say what you like, Ellie,” he whispered, his eyes burning with desire. “But we still need each other.”

My temper flared, and I lowered my voice. “I need you to help me send those awful things back, but you refuse to do it. I needyouto show me Ahone’s mark, but you say you don’t know it. I’m not sure what you could possibly needmefor. Other than the obvious.”

“Did a giant horned snake really save you from some…”

He couldn’t bring himself to say it, so I did. “Rapist?” I whispered. “Yeah. Big Nasty saved me, because apparently I’m some big prize for Okeus, and all the creatures of the night are making sure to save me for him.” My eyebrows lifted. “Forgive me if I don’t feel protected.”


I glanced toward Tom, who had dropped any pretense of not watching me.

Leaning close to Collin’s ear, I whispered. “Those two officers behind me are already watching my every move, and now Tom isveryinterested in this interaction. I suspect this little show will cost me a trip down to the police station, all thanks to youagain. So, if you will kindly take yourfuckinghand off my wrist.”

His grip loosened, and I slowly stood.

“I’ll have your order out shortly.”

Tom watched me as I headed into the back, and I found a corner to hide in to regain my cool. On the plus side, I’d been in close proximity to Collin and other than the twitch in my palm when my mark was almost pressed against his, I hadn’t felt an overwhelming urge to jump him. But now Tom had even more material to fuel his quest to solve the mystery of Ellie Lancaster. What the hell was I going to do about that?

One problem at a time.

By the time I exited the kitchen, Tom and Deputy Moran had already left. I ignored Collin while I waited on the other tables in my section. When I finally set his plate on the table, his face was expressionless.