Page 147 of The Curse Breakers

“Ellie, you’re being ridiculous!”

“Take me home, Collin.”

“Now look who’s doing the ordering!”

I hated that he was right. My temper vanished, leaving behind sorrow. “Why couldn’t you just trust me, Collin?” My voice broke. “I wanted to be with you. Why couldn’t you just tell me the truth?”

His face softened and he wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me to his chest. “It’s not too late, Ellie. I can make it up to you.”

I stepped back, and his eyes fell to my stomach. “You chose your side, and I have to choose mine. You say you care about me, but you refuse to stop those things from killing me.”

“How can you say that? I always make sure your door has fresh marks!”

“If you want to protect me, then tell me what’s out there! At least let me know what’s after me so I can protect myself.”

He didn’t answer.

I suddenly realized the truth. “You think you’ll never see me again if I have all the answers.”

He looked away.

“Why couldn’t you trust that what we had was enough?”

His chest heaved as he released a breath.

“You can’t manipulate someone into being with you, Collin. You can’t build a relationship on that.”

“It’s not like that, Ellie. I swear.I love you.”

I gasped.

He reached for my hand. “Ellie, I love you. Look, you’re right…I’ve never given a shit about anyone but myself my entire life. Until you.” He pulled me to his chest. “We can make this work. I promise. I’ll tell you everything.”

“What about Okeus? Are you going to let him impregnate me?”

Horror covered his face.

“Will you stop him?” When he didn’t answer me, my shoulders started to shake with silent sobs. “You’re so blind in your devotion to Okeus that you would sacrifice even me to him.” I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. “How could I be with you?”

He took a breath, tears in his eyes.

“I wanted you. I’d never wanted anyone like I wanted you. And you’re right.” I leaned into his face, my anger turning to hate. “You didruinme. Sex with David is nothing compared to what we had.”

Pain covered his face.

“But I can’t trust you. I’m scaredto death, Collin. I needed you to be there for me. I needed to know we were partners in everything, that we shared everything. But you can’t even trust yourself.”


I put my hands on his chest. “If this was just you and me, and we hadn’t opened that gate, I would have waited for you to figure things out. I would have waited.” My voice broke at the realization. “But it’s not just you and me. And I can’t stand back and wait for these things to settle down, because a lot of people are going to end up dead. Including me.”

“Ellie, please. You don’t understand.”

I shook my head. “No. Idon’tunderstand because I would never pick Okeus over you.Never.”

His eyes narrowed and I could see he was closing himself off from me again. Not that he’d ever been completely open to me to begin with.

“I can trust David. I know that he’s there for me despite all of this. And not because he’s stuck with me because of some curse. He’s with me because ofme.” I turned my back to him. “I want to go home. To David.”